Issue - decisions

Public Toilets Consultation Outcome

27/10/2022 - Public Toilets Consultation Outcome

Resolved (Unanimously) – That


(1) the outcomes of the online public consultation through the “Have your say” consultation report at Appendix 1 be noted.


(2) the closure of the public toilets at Moreton Cross, West Kirby Concourse (external), Meols Parade (Bennetts Lane) New Ferry be approved.


(3) approval be given that the Public Toilets identified for closure Moreton Cross, West Kirby Concourse (external), Meols Parade (Bennetts Lane), New Ferry be declared surplus to requirement and the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to consider other options for the sites including marketing them for sale and subsequent disposal, demolition and clearance or any expressions of interest from the communities.


(4) Officers work towards a solution where the toilets in Thornton Hough are available whilst sports teams are using the green and open at weekends, as the facilities in the community café are unavailable,  and that these sites be prioritised and Expressions of Interest which were received whilst they were not in scope, be rapidly progressed following Policy & Resources’ consideration of the Asset Strategy.