Issue - decisions

Proposal to Consult on Selective Licensing Scheme

18/07/2023 - Proposal to Consult on Selective Licensing Scheme

Resolved  - That


1.   The draft proposal for Selective Licesning be approved in the following four areas from 1st April 2024 until 31st March 2029:


·  Birkenhead West

·  Seacombe St Paul’s

·  Bidston and St James West

·  Egremont North;


2.  The Business Case set out in Appendix One to this report as the basis for the rationale for wider consultation on Selective Licensing be approved;


3.  The consultation plan as set out in Appendix Three of the Business Case be approved; and


4.  The Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to undertake any minor amendments to the Business Case should further evidence be made available which should be included in the consultation.