Issue - decisions

Delivery of Wirral Health and Care Plan

21/12/2023 - Delivery of Wirral Health and Care Plan

The Place Director (Wirral), NHS Cheshire and Merseyside presented his report which presented the delivery dashboard for the programmes within the Wirral Place Health and Care Plan. The dashboard was reviewed by the Strategy and Transformation Group and the Wirral Place Based Partnership Board on a monthly basis and provided an oversight of the whole programme portfolio, a monthly narrative update, and Red Amber Green (RAG) rating of overall programme delivery, benefits, risks, and issues. The Wirral Health and Care Plan was the collective plan on Wirral for how the health and care organisations across Wirral will work together to progress with agreed priorities and areas of work. These priorities were cognisant of, and support, the delivery of a number of key national and Wirral Place level strategic aims, including the Wirral Plan 2021-26 and Wirral Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-27.


Possible specific future reports were noted, and the outcomes of some issues, such as the rates and consequences of remaining in hospital rather than being discharged with a suitable care package.



That the report which provides assurance on the delivery and oversight of the Health and Care Plan programmes to the WPBPB be noted.