Issue - decisions

Birkenhead to Liscard Active Travel Route

16/07/2024 - Birkenhead to Liscard Active Travel Scheme

Resolved (8:3) – That


(1) the outcome of the Birkenhead to Liscard Active Travel Scheme  Public and Stakeholder Consultation and associated officer comments which are included with Appendices 3 – 8 of this report be noted;


(2) the Director of Regeneration and Place be authorised to work with the  Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) to secure funding:


1. to undertake the detailed design of the Birkenhead to Liscard Active Travel Scheme (RIBA Stages 3 and 4) and undertake public and stakeholder consultation (including statutory consultation) on the detailed design, duly informed by the public and stakeholder consultation process;


2. to progress the development of the Business Case for the Birkenhead to Liscard Active Travel Scheme in accordance with the requirements of the LCRCA City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement Gateway Process.