Issue - decisions

Half Year Performance and Financial Presentation

23/10/2009 - Half Year Performance and Financial Presentation

The Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Corporate Services and the Director of Finance gave a presentation on the 2009/2010 Quarter 2 Performance and Financial Review. The presentation set out the key achievements and commented that 64.4% of the performance indicators which were priorities for improvement were achieving or exceeding targets. He set out the continuing impact of the recession and set out the key risks and performance issues associated with each of the Council’s Strategic Objectives.


The Director of Finance set out the financial headlines in relation to 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 and outlined the key issues, which affected the revenue budget and capital programme in 2009/2010. In response to a question from a member in relation to the reduced projected overspend, he indicated that it was attributable to measures put in place by Directors to contain overspend or identify compensatory savings.


In response to further questions, the Director of Regeneration provided information in relation to the Mortgage Rescue Scheme and action taken to reduce the number of repossessions.


Resolved – That the presentation be noted, and it be made available in the meetings and minutes page of the Council’s intranet and website.