Issue - decisions

Regional Waste Strategy 2009

22/01/2010 - Regional Waste Strategy Draft Update

The Deputy Chief Executive / Director of Corporate Services advised Members that the Regional Leaders Forum (4NW) had been consulting on a proposed update to the Regional Waste Strategy published in 2004 to take account of the National Waste Strategy and European legislation which had subsequently been introduced. The consultation document contained revisions to the text of existing policy statements and included three new policy statements relating to the re-use of waste, public sector involvement and reprocessing and recycling facilities. 


When introduced, the updated Strategy would provide an interim framework for developing land use policies and would be a material consideration when determining planning applications until a full review could be undertaken. It was also intended to be a key part of the evidence base for the emerging single Regional Strategy, which would be published for public consultation in the New Year.


The deadline for comments was 11 January 2010 and officers had submitted representations based on the Director’s comments set out in the report. It was recommended that Cabinet endorse those comments as the Council’s formal response to the Regional Waste Strategy Update.


Resolved - That the Director’s comments set out in section 5 of the report be endorsed as the Council’s formal response to the Regional Waste Strategy Update.