Issue - decisions

Place Survey 2008-09 - Analysis and Action Plan

22/01/2010 - Place Survey 2008-09 - Analysis and Action Plan

The Deputy Chief Executive / Director of Corporate Services provided Cabinet with a report giving detailed analysis of the outcomes of Wirral’s statutory Place Survey, undertaken between September and December 2008, and exploring the perceptions of Wirral residents compared with other areas.


The report also referred to national analysis that had been undertaken on the Place Survey, highlighting that people did not always associate improvements in services with the organisations that provided them. Information about what additional consultation and communication activities the Council and partners were undertaking in advance of the next statutory Place Survey, to be undertaken in October 2010, was also included in the report.


Cabinet was requested to note the contents of the report and endorse the activities being undertaken to better communicate with local communities.


Resolved - That the contents of the report be noted and the activities being undertaken to address perception issues, as outlined in Appendix 2 of the Director’s report, be agreed.