Issue - decisions

Scrutiny Programme Board Referral - Forward Plan


At its meeting on 14 January, the Scrutiny Programme Board received a report from the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management reviewing the operation of the Forward Plan. It was resolved:


“ That, in order to make the Forward Plan more user-friendly and to assist the scrutiny function, the Cabinet be requested to agree to the following –


(a)  That officers include within the Forward Plan a more informative narrative of the key decisions to be taken, together with more accurate timescales.


(b)  That, for a short trial period, Chief Officers be required to submit to the next appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee a brief explanation of new items included in the Forward Plan.”




(1)  Cabinet resolves that officers include within the Forward Plan a more informative narrative of the key decisions to be taken, together with more accurate timescales.


(2)  Cabinet notes that Overview and Scrutiny Committees set their own agenda and can call on officers to present additional reports to meet their requirements.