
Decisions published

21/12/2021 - WIRRAL GROWTH COMPANY - GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS - Matthew Neal ref: 4945    Recommendations Approved

This report recommends the arrangements by which the Council is represented on the Board of the Wirral Growth Company Limited Liability Partnership. The proposals will  ensure that the business of the Wirral Growth Company and its relationship with the Council be established on a proper footing so that its business can be despatched expeditiously. The proposals will  ensure that appropriate corporate oversight is given to the plans and strategies of the Wirral Growth Company.

Decision Maker: Director of Law and Corporate Services (Monitoring Officer)

Decision published: 21/12/2021

Effective from: 21/12/2021


That Councillor Jean Robinson and Councillor Jeff Green be the nominated Councillor Representatives on the Joint Venture Board of Wirral Growth Company.

Lead officer: Philip McCourt

06/12/2021 - Draft Statement of Policy under the Gambling Act 2005 ref: 4940    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 06/12/2021 - Council

Decision published: 20/12/2021

Effective from: 06/12/2021


The second item requiring approval was in relation to the Draft Statement of Policy under the Gambling Act 2005.


Councillor Andrew Hodson moved, and in so doing, thanked the Licensing Manager and all her team for all the hard work they had undertaken on this, which was then seconded by Councillor Chris Jones.


Following a short debate, and Councillor Hodson having replied, it was then -


Resolved (58:0) (One abstention) - That the recommendations contained within minute 8 of the Licensing Act Committee of 24 November, 2021, be agreed in that the draft Statement of Policy, under the Gambling Act 2005, as amended, be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);