
Decisions published

09/04/2020 - DECISION TAKEN UNDER CORONAVIRUS CONTINGENCY PLANNING PROCEDURES ON 9 APRIL, 2020 - Adult Social Care Provider Sector Financial Support ref: 4681    Recommendations Approved

Under the new Coronavirus Contingency Planning Procedures, as approved by the Leader of the Council, the executive (Leader and Cabinet) priorities of the Council are amended to simply be:

(i)  preservation of life;

(ii)  supporting the vulnerable;

(iii)  safeguarding children; and

(iv)  aiding the Borough’s businesses and economy during this period that contingency planning is required to respond to an emergency situation and manage the effects of a covid-19 epidemic.


In view of the Leader’s decision to agree that


(i)  the Head of Paid Service is authorised to take any action in furtherance of the priorities set out above, acting in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet member and/or Group Leaders wherever it is reasonable and practicable in the opinion of the Head of Paid Service to do so; and


(ii)  the Head of Paid Service and each Director is authorised to take any action that officer consider is reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety or welfare of individuals.


The following decision has been made:


Decision Maker: Director for Adult Social Care and Health

Decision published: 09/04/2020

Effective from: 09/04/2020


07/04/2020 - Sale of Land at Third Avenue, Beechwood ref: 4680    Recommendations Approved

The report of the Assistant Chief Executive sought approval for the disposal the Council’s interest in five parcels of land at Third Avenue, Beechwood to enable the development of seventeen bungalows.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Finance & Resources

Decision published: 07/04/2020

Effective from: 17/04/2020


Resolved - That the five parcels of land at Third Avenue and Chantry Close, Beechwood, are sold to Onward Homes for the sum of £68,000 plus a contribution towards the Council’s legal costs and surveyors’ fees.

Wards affected: Bidston and St. James;

06/04/2020 - DECISIONS TAKEN UNDER CORONAVIRUS CONTINGENCY PLANNING PROCEDURES ON 31 March 2020 ref: 4678    Recommendations Approved

Under the new Coronavirus Contingency Planning Procedures, as approved by the Leader of the Council, the executive (Leader and Cabinet) priorities of the Council are amended to simply be:

(i)  preservation of life;

(ii)  supporting the vulnerable;

(iii)  safeguarding children; and

(iv)  aiding the Borough’s businesses and economy during this period that contingency planning is required to respond to an emergency situation and manage the effects of a covid-19 epidemic.


In view of the Leader’s decision to agree that


(i)  the Head of Paid Service is authorised to take any action in furtherance of the priorities set out above, acting in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet member and/or Group Leaders wherever it is reasonable and practicable in the opinion of the Head of Paid Service to do so; and


(ii)  the Head of Paid Service and each Director is authorised to take any action that officer consider is reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety or welfare of individuals.


The following decisions have been made:



Thatbudget provision to be made available to support emergency placements for homeless and rough sleeper households.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 06/04/2020

Effective from: 06/04/2020


That budget provision to be made available to support emergency placements for homeless and rough sleeper households.

Lead officer: Paul Satoor

02/04/2020 - DECISIONS TAKEN UNDER CORONAVIRUS CONTINGENCY PLANNING PROCEDURES ON 2 APRIL 2020 - Suspension of Parking Charges ref: 4677    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Interim Director Highways & Streetscene

Decision published: 03/04/2020

Effective from: 02/04/2020


Under the new Coronavirus Contingency Planning Procedures, as approved by the Leader of the Council, the executive (Leader and Cabinet) priorities of the Council are amended to simply be:

(i)  preservation of life;

(ii)  supporting the vulnerable;

(iii)  safeguarding children; and

(iv)  aiding the Borough’s businesses and economy during this period that contingency planning is required to respond to an emergency situation and manage the effects of a covid-19 epidemic.


In view of the Leader’s decision to agree that


(i)  the Head of Paid Service is authorised to take any action in furtherance of the priorities set out above, acting in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet member and/or Group Leaders wherever it is reasonable and practicable in the opinion of the Head of Paid Service to do so; and


(ii)  the Head of Paid Service and each Director is authorised to take any action that officer consider is reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety or welfare of individuals.


The following decisions have been made:




(1)  parking charges across the whole of the Borough be suspended; and


(2)  the suspension of parking charges takes effect as soon as is practicable and continues until 1st July 2020 or until such time as the Director of Delivery Services considers that the suspension is no longer required to meet community needs in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.



Under the new Coronavirus Contingency Planning Procedures, as approved by the Leader of the Council, the executive (Leader and Cabinet) priorities of the Council are amended to simply be:

(i)  preservation of life;

(ii)  supporting the vulnerable;

(iii)  safeguarding children; and

(iv)  aiding the Borough’s businesses and economy

during this period that contingency planning is required to respond to an emergency situation and manage the effects of a covid-19 epidemic.


In view of the Leader’s decision to agree that


(i)  the Head of Paid Service is authorised to take any action in furtherance of the priorities set out above, acting in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet member and/or Group Leaders wherever it is reasonable and practicable in the opinion of the Head of Paid Service to do so; and


(ii)  the Head of Paid Service and each Director is authorised to take any action that officer consider is reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety or welfare of individuals.


Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 31/03/2020

Effective from: 30/03/2020


That Garden Waste Collection services are suspended with immediate effect.  These crews and vehicles will be redeployed to ensure continuity of residual and recycling collections.



Under the new Coronavirus Contingency Planning Procedures, as approved by the Leader of the Council, under which the executive (Leader and Cabinet) priorities of the Council are amended to simply be:


(i)  preservation of life;

(ii)  supporting the vulnerable;

(iii)  safeguarding children; and

(iv)  aiding the Borough’s businesses and economy during this period that contingency planning is required to respond to an emergency situation and manage the effects of a covid-19 epidemic.


In view of the Leader’s decision to agree that:


(i)  the Head of Paid Service is authorised to take any action in furtherance of the priorities set out above, acting in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet member and/or Group Leaders wherever it is reasonable and practicable in the opinion of the Head of Paid Service to do so; and


(ii)  the Head of Paid Service and each Director is authorised to take any action that officers consider is reasonably necessary to protect the health, safety or welfare of individuals.


The following decision(s) have been made:




1.  That the Head of Paid Service authorises the officers from within Trading Standards, Environmental Health and Licensing to act under the powers conferred by regulation 4(1) and (2) of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Business Closure) (England) Regulations 2020 (“the Business Closure Regulations “) to monitor and enforce compliance with these regulations.


2.  Council Customer Call Centre – That opening hours be reduced by 90 mins each day, moving to a 9am - 5pm arrangement from Monday 30/03/20.


3.  Free School Meals Scheme - That Wirral Council is to provide funding, in the amount of £124k per week, for 3 weeks, to schools for food vouchers, for children that would usually receive free school meals – bridging the gap until central government funding is in place.


4.  Library services - That an automatic extension for library books be confirmed i.e. extended for 3 months, no fines payable.


Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 30/03/2020

Effective from: 26/03/2020


1.  That the Head of Paid Service authorises the officers from within Trading Standards, Environmental Health and Licensing to act under the powers conferred by regulation 4(1) and (2) of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Business Closure) (England) Regulations 2020 (“the Business Closure Regulations “) to monitor and enforce compliance with these regulations.


2.  Council Customer Call Centre – That opening hours be reduced by 90 mins each day, moving to a 9am - 5pm arrangement from Monday 30/03/20.


3.  Free School Meals Scheme - That Wirral Council is to provide funding, in the amount of £124k per week, for 3 weeks, to schools for food vouchers, for children that would usually receive free school meals – bridging the gap until central government funding is in place.


4.  Library services - That an automatic extension for library books be confirmed i.e. extended for 3 months, no fines payable.