ePetition details

Stop sewage dumping in New Brighton

We the undersigned petition the council to As your constituents we want you to demand that action is taken by the Secretary of State for Environment to stop the sewage dumps by United Utilities in to the local river; 1) We want you take action on our behalf to protect the health of thousands of residents and visitors who visit New Brighton every week to enjoy, with their families, the many benefits of swimming, dipping and playing in the sea offers. 2) We want you to take action to protect the local businesses who rely on visitors to this beautiful coastal location, visitors will not come if they are affected by sewage when they and their families swim and play in the sea. 3) We want you to take action to protect the precious wild life in the New Brighton Estuary.

In 2022, the Birkenhead News reported that there were 1,149 sewage dumps in Wirral that affected the New Brighton coastal bathing location, for a total duration of 7,056 hours. On average sewage discharge happened 3.1 times per day from Wirral overflows. Overall, across the area served by United Utilities, the water company was responsible for 69,245 sewage overflows in 2022.
New Brighton coastal bathing area most polluted in country
In the last month our local swimming groups, whose number has now swelled to many hundreds with thousands of facebook followers, have witnessed raw sewage on several days along the coastal area from Redcaps Nursing Home to Perch Rock. Many of us have suffered from stomach complaints and it is simply not acceptable to allow this to continue.

Our local community groups have reported that these sewage dumps have taken place even though there haven't been any storms to place strain on the combined sewage system. Furthermore the history on the Environment Agency Website showing incidents clears after the event.

Please take action to protect those that you represent and demand that Rt Hon Therese Coffey, Secretary of State for Environment holds the Environment Agency to account about how they regulate United Utilities who are dumping raw sewage in to the rivers where your constituents and their families swim.

Started by: Amanda Parker

This ePetition ran from 16/06/2023 to 14/07/2023 and has now finished.

248 people signed this ePetition.