Election results for Moreton West and Saughall Massie Local election - Thursday, 3rd May 2018Comparison with previous election Status: Published Local election - results by party Previous results for Moreton West and Saughall Massie Moreton West and Saughall Massie results Conservative Win Bruce Berry was elected with a majority of 28%. A total of 4402 votes were cast, representing a turnout of 41% . Table of main parties and election candidates retaining depositElection CandidatePartyNumber%Status% ChangeBruce BerryConservative271162%Newly electedn/aBill McGenityLabour146433%Not electedn/aOther election candidates-see below2275%-3% Table of other election candidates Election Candidate Party Number % Outcome Helen Rosalinde O'Donnell Green Party 135 3% Not elected Amanda Jane Crowfoot Liberal Democrats 92 2% Not elected