Election results for Liscard Local election - Thursday, 2nd May 2019 Status: Published Local election - results by party Previous results for Liscard Summary of comparison with previous results for Liscard Liscard - results Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome Sarah Kathryn Spoor Labour 1733 51% Elected Michael Thomas Taylor Conservative 609 18% Not elected Rodney Howard Melbourne UK Independence Party 374 11% Not elected Perle Winifred Sheldricks Green Party 360 11% Not elected Sue Arrowsmith Liberal Democrats 319 9% Not elected Voting Summary Details Number Total votes 3395 Electorate 11095 Number of ballot papers issued 3431 Number of ballot papers rejected 36 Turnout 31% Share of the votes (%) Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Sarah Kathryn Spoor 51% Elected Michael Thomas Taylor 18% Not elected Rodney Howard Melbourne 11% Not elected Perle Winifred Sheldricks 11% Not elected Sue Arrowsmith 9% Not elected Rejected ballot papersDescriptionNumberRejected ballot papers36Total rejected36