Election results for Pensby and Thingwall Local election - Thursday, 2nd May 2019 Status: Published Local election - results by party Previous results for Pensby and Thingwall Summary of comparison with previous results for Pensby and Thingwall Pensby and Thingwall - results Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome Mike Collins Conservative 2201 45% Elected Phill Brightmore Labour 1705 35% Not elected Allen John Burton Green Party 700 14% Not elected Colin William Thompson Liberal Democrats 307 6% Not elected Voting Summary Details Number Total votes 4913 Electorate 10390 Number of ballot papers issued 4950 Number of ballot papers rejected 37 Turnout 48% Share of the votes (%) Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Mike Collins 45% Elected Phill Brightmore 35% Not elected Allen John Burton 14% Not elected Colin William Thompson 6% Not elected Rejected ballot papersDescriptionNumberRejected ballot papers37Total rejected37