Election results for Wallasey Local election - Thursday, 5th May 2016 Status: Published Local election - results by party Wallasey - results Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome Ian Lewis Conservative 2249 50% Elected Bill McGenity Labour 1574 35% Not elected John Eric Rodgers Green Party 241 5% Not elected Adam Giles Heatherington UK Independence Party 234 5% Not elected John Richard Codling Liberal Democrats 191 4% Not elected Voting Summary Details Number Seats 1 Total votes 4489 Electorate 11672 Number of ballot papers issued 4508 Number of ballot papers rejected 19 Turnout 39% Share of the votes (%) Candidate name Vote percentage Elected Ian Lewis 50% Elected Bill McGenity 35% Not elected John Eric Rodgers 5% Not elected Adam Giles Heatherington 5% Not elected John Richard Codling 4% Not elected Rejected ballot papersDescriptionNumberRejected ballot papers19Total rejected19