Election results for Claughton

Local election - Thursday, 6th May 2021

Claughton - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
George Davies Labour 2096 60% Elected
Rania Ali Abdelrahman Mohamed Elzeiny Conservative 608 17% Not elected
Liz Heydon Green Party 412 12% Not elected
Christopher Malcolm Teggin Liberal Democrats 300 9% Not elected
Gary Lee Bergin The For Britain Movement 67 2% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Total votes 3483
Electorate 11468
Number of ballot papers issued 3536
Number of ballot papers rejected 53
Turnout 31%
Share of the votes (%)
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
George Davies 60% Elected
Rania Ali Abdelrahman Mohamed Elzeiny 17% Not elected
Liz Heydon 12% Not elected
Christopher Malcolm Teggin 9% Not elected
Gary Lee Bergin 2% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
Rejected ballot papers53
Total rejected53