Issue history
Town Centre Strategy - Next Steps
- 01/11/2010 - Published in plan, December2010 to March 2011
- 01/01/2011 - Published in plan, January to April 2011
- 13/01/2011 - Agenda item, Cabinet Town Centre Strategy - Next Steps 13/01/2011
- 21/01/2011 - Published decision: Town Centre Strategy - Next Steps
- 28/01/2011 - Call-in period expired: Town Centre Strategy - Next Steps
- 31/01/2011 - Action: (1) a detailed evidence base for each of the retail centres identified in the Town Centre, Retail and Commercial Leisure Strategy be produced in order to inform the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and that this be the subject of a further report to Cabinet upon its completion; and<br/><br/> <br/><br/>(2) the approach to the production of a phased programme of Action Plan development for the local town centres addressed by the detailed evidence base work be agreed.<br/> Interim Director of Corporate Services ; status: overdue