Issue history

Call-In Process

  • 08/09/2011 - Action: (1) That the Scrutiny Programme Board notes the bureaucratic and cumbersome way current Call-In requests are allocated, with the associated costs in officers time. (2) Therefore, the Scrutiny Programme Board recommends that the Council’s Constitution and processes be amended to allow the Chief Executive or the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management, in consultation with the Chair and spokespersons of the Scrutiny Programme Board to allocate the Call-In notice to the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, or to the Board, for consideration. (3) That, if it is not possible for agreement to be reached by the group spokespersons, the Call-In notice be referred to the Scrutiny Programme Board for a decision on allocation. Shirley Hudspeth ; status: completed late
  • 08/09/2011 - Agenda item, Scrutiny Programme Board Options for Streamlining Scrutiny Call-In Process 08/09/2011