Issue history

Internal Audit Update

  • 29/11/2011 - Agenda item, Audit and Risk Management Committee Internal Audit Update 29/11/2011
  • 01/12/2011 - Action: That the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management be requested to write to the Chair and group spokespersons of the Audit and Risk Management Committee at the earliest opportunity to indicate the likely timescale for compliance with the high priority audit recommendation in relation to the DASS Day to Day Procurement system ; status: completed late
  • 09/01/2012 - Action: That an update in relation to the Counter Fraud Investigation be presented to the next meeting of the Audit and Risk Management Committee ; status: overdue
  • No date     - Action: That the Chair be requested to write to the Chief Executive, in order for him to ensure that all Chief Officers, or their representatives, should, in future attend every meeting of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, as a matter of course Jim Wilkie ; status: completed