Issue history
Financial Monitoring - Revenue (Month 7)
- 03/09/2012 - Published in plan, September to December 2012
- 03/10/2012 - Published in plan, October 2012 to January 2013
- 03/11/2012 - Published in plan, November 2012 to February 2013
- 08/11/2012 - Agenda item, Cabinet Capital Monitoring 2012/13- Period 6 (September) 08/11/2012
- 15/11/2012 - Published decision: Capital Monitoring 2012/13- Period 6 (September)
- 22/11/2012 - Call-in period expired: Capital Monitoring 2012/13- Period 6 (September)
- 01/12/2012 - Published in plan, December 2012 to March 2013
- 20/12/2012 - Agenda item, Cabinet Revenue Monitoring 2012/13 - Month 7 (October) 20/12/2012
- 08/01/2013 - Published decision: Revenue Monitoring 2012/13 - Month 7 (October)
- 15/01/2013 - Call-in period expired: Revenue Monitoring 2012/13 - Month 7 (October)
- 16/01/2013 - Action: (1) Chief Executive commission an urgent external independent investigation regarding the failure of the Council to actively recover Social Services debt over a number of years (2) A report be brought back in a month and an update provided at the 24 January Cabinet. Graham Burgess ; status: overdue