Issue history
Somerville Primary School - Scheme and Estimate
- 03/05/2013 - Published in plan, May to August 2013
- 03/06/2013 - Published in plan, June to September 2013
- 13/06/2013 - Agenda item, Cabinet Somerville Primary School - Extension and Refurbishment 13/06/2013
- 01/07/2013 - Published decision: Somerville Primary School - Extension and Refurbishment
- 08/07/2013 - Call-in period expired: Somerville Primary School - Extension and Refurbishment
- 01/11/2013 - Published in plan, November 2013 to February 2014
- No date - Action: The Head of Legal and Member Services be authorised to execute an appropriate construction contract with the preferred constructor in due course, subject to a check of their tender submission and them developing a satisfactory Health and Safety Plan. Surjit Tour ; status: completed