Issue history

Work Programme

  • 10/07/2013 - Agenda item, Policy and Performance - Regeneration and Environment Committee Work Programme 10/07/2013
  • 31/07/2013 - Action: Resolved - (1) That the following items be referred to the Chair and Spokespersons for consideration for inclusion in the Committees work programme for the 2013/2014 municipal year - The implication and impact of budget changes Benefit Reform and Under Occupation (from the Economy and Regeneration O&S Committee) Wirral Waters A Scrutiny Review of the positive impact on the local economy of the redevelopment of New Brighton A Review of the COLAS Contract The Impact of Welfare Reforms on Homelessness The impact of the Reduction in Street Cleansing Tourism The Decline of Small Shopping Areas Domestic Violence (2) That the completion and prioritisation of the work programme be delegated to the Chair, party spokespersons and the independent Member of the Committee, prior to the next meeting. (3) That the Chair and spokespersons be delegated to agree to the commencement of any specific parts of the work programme prior to the next meeting of the Committee Michelle Duerden ; status: completed late