Issue history
Updated Transportation Capital Programme 2013/14
- 01/09/2013 - Published in plan, September to December 2013
- 01/10/2013 - Published in plan, October, 2013 to January, 2014
- 10/10/2013 - Agenda item, Cabinet Updated Transportation Capital Programme 2013/14 10/10/2013
- 15/10/2013 - Published decision: Updated Transportation Capital Programme 2013/14
- 22/10/2013 - Call-in period expired: Updated Transportation Capital Programme 2013/14
- 23/10/2013 - Action: (1) Implement proposed re-allocation of the Local Transport Plan Capital Programme 2013/14 as detailed in the report, for the purpose of undertaking a full Transport Business Case study for the replacement of the life expired Docks Bridges structures and associated new highway improvement works; and (2) the SUSTRANS funding allocation of £125,000 and ‘Living Streets’ funding allocation of £30,000 be committed to the projects identified within the report; and (3) increase the allocation to Neighbourhoods by £55,000 when setting the 2014/15 Local Transport Capital Programme next spring. ; status: overdue