Issue history

Outcomes Framework for Improvement

  • 19/09/2013 - Agenda item, Cabinet Outcomes Framework for Improvement 19/09/2013
  • 03/10/2013 - Published decision: Outcomes Framework for Improvement
  • 10/10/2013 - Call-in period expired: Outcomes Framework for Improvement
  • 11/10/2013 - Action: That<br/><br/> <br/><br/>(1) the outcome measures set out in section three of the report be agreed;<br/><br/> <br/><br/>(2) the methodology for undertaking an evaluation of the revised governance and constitutional arrangements be presented to the September 2013 Improvement Board meeting to ensure an informed evaluation is completed by November 2013; and<br/><br/> <br/><br/>(3) the plan for securing an audit assessment of adequate and improving well be presented to the September 2013 meeting of the Improvement Board.<br/> Fiona Johnstone ; status: completed late