Issue history
Schools Admission Policy
- 01/12/2013 - Published in plan, December 2013 to March 2014
- 01/01/2014 - Published in plan, January to April 2014
- 01/02/2014 - Published in plan, February to May 2014
- 01/03/2014 - Published in plan, March to June 2014
- 13/03/2014 - Agenda item, Cabinet Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary and Secondary Schools and Coordinated Scheme for 2015-2016 13/03/2014
- 18/03/2014 - Published decision: Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary and Secondary Schools and Coordinated Scheme for 2015-2016
- 25/03/2014 - Call-in period expired: Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled Primary and Secondary Schools and Coordinated Scheme for 2015-2016
- 28/03/2014 - Action: ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS FOR COMMUNITY AND VOLUNTARY CONTROLLED PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND COORDINATED SCHEME FOR 2015-2016 - The proposed admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools and the Wirral co-ordinated schemes for 2015-2016 was agreed. Director of Children's Services ; status: overdue