Issue history
National Non Domestic Rates Discretionary Relief
- 01/01/2014 - Published in plan, January to April 2014
- 01/02/2014 - Published in plan, February to May 2014
- 01/03/2014 - Published in plan, March to June 2014
- 13/03/2014 - Agenda item, Cabinet National Non Domestic Rates Discretionary Relief -Retail Policy 13/03/2014
- 18/03/2014 - Published decision: National Non Domestic Rates Discretionary Relief -Retail Policy
- 25/03/2014 - Call-in period expired: National Non Domestic Rates Discretionary Relief -Retail Policy
- 28/03/2014 - Action: NATIONAL NON DOMESTIC RATES DISCRETIONARY RELIEF - RETAIL POLICY - Agreed that the Council's Discretionary Rates Retail Relief Policy adopts the same eligibility criteria as set out by the government so that Retail Relief can then be appropriately awarded in 2014/15 and 2015/16. Malcolm Flanagan ; status: completed late