Issue history

Proposals for Childcare in Children's Centres

  • 01/04/2014 - Published in plan, April to July 2014
  • 01/05/2014 - Published in plan, May to August 2014
  • 01/06/2014 - Published in plan, June to September 2014
  • 19/06/2014 - Agenda item, Cabinet Day Nursery Provision 19/06/2014
  • 04/07/2014 - Action: (1) Cabinet approves and agrees to the New Brighton Day Nursery provision detailed within the report being transferred, subject to all requisite Council conditions/requirements being met, to New Brighton Day Nursery Ltd, a separate legal entity established as a social enterprise model, under a five year contract with a target transfer date of 1 September 2014; (2) the Director of Children's Services together with the Head of Legal and Member Services be authorised to agree all necessary terms and make all appropriate arrangements, including the completion of all requisite legal documentation, as appropriate and necessary to give effect to (1) above; and (3) the Cabinet agrees that the other matters detailed in the report be deferred to a future meeting. Surjit Tour, Deborah Gornik, Julia Hassall ; status: completed late