Issue history

Rock Ferry Position Statement

  • 27/03/2014 - Agenda item, Constituency Committee - Birkenhead Rock Ferry Position Statement 27/03/2014
  • 10/04/2014 - Agenda item, Constituency Committee - Birkenhead Rock Ferry Position Statement 10/04/2014
  • 19/05/2014 - Action: (1) £10,000 be provided from the Committee's budget allocation for 2014/15 to fund the urgently needed repair works to the River Wall and Esplanade at Rock Park to maintain this asset for the benefit of local residents in terms of their recreation, health and heritage; (2) Officers be requested to continue to work with the local MP and Rock Park Estate Company to establish ownership of the River Wall structure; and (3) whilst it is recognised that external funding is limited and very competitive every effort be made by Ward Councillors and Officers to identify and secure external resources to enable a long term refurbishment of the Esplanade. Glynnis kelly, Dawn Tolcher ; status: overdue