Issue history

Future Council

  • 01/05/2014 - Published in plan, May to August 2014
  • 01/06/2014 - Published in plan, June to September 2014
  • 19/06/2014 - Agenda item, Cabinet Future Council 19/06/2014
  • 04/07/2014 - Action: (1) the principles described within the Position Papers upon which budget options and investment proposals are being developed be noted; and (2) the Cabinet accepts the need to proceed with the remodelling work under the Future Council initiative, but agrees to express our grave concern with further cuts by the Tory-led government to this Council's budget, requiring additional savings of at least £45m over the next two years. This comes on top of the £109m cuts over the past three years. Cabinet agrees to write to our four Wirral MPs asking them to lobby relevant ministers to reverse these damaging cuts. Emma Degg, Graham Burgess ; status: overdue