Issue details
West Kirby Marine Lake Reconstruction - Award of Contract
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure impact > £500,000;
Decision status: Awaiting Implementation
Wards affected: West Kirby and Thurstaston;
Decision due: January 2009 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member - Streetscene & Transport Services
Department: Technical Services
- 11/02/2009 - West Kirby Marine Lake Reconstruction - Award of Contract
- 17/02/2009 - Cabinet minute 377 (5 February) - West Kirby Marine Lake
Agenda items
- 15/01/2009 - Cabinet West Kirby Marine Lake Reconstruction - Award of Contract 15/01/2009
- 05/02/2009 - Cabinet West Kirby Marine Lake Reconstruction - Award of Contract 05/02/2009
- 09/02/2009 - Council Cabinet minute 377 (5 February) - West Kirby Marine Lake 09/02/2009