Issue details
Budget 2020/21 & Medium Term Financial Strategy
The Council has a legal requirement to set a balanced budget in March 2020 for the 2020/21 financial year. This report sets out the actions, proposals and main risks to setting a balanced budget for 2020/21.
The MTFP supports the delivery of the Wirral Plan and is key to ensuring the Council is financially stable. Progress against the MTFP is monitored throughout each year, as part of routine financial management, to ensure that plans are on track and any necessary corrective action is taken at the earliest opportunity.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Decision due: 23 Dec 2019 by Cabinet
Agenda items
- 23/12/2019 - Cabinet COUNCIL BUDGET 2020/21 & MEDIUM TERM FINANCIAL STRATEGY 23/12/2019