Issue details

Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund

This entire report and its appendices are exempt because the information contained within is commercially sensitive. The report seeks approval to provide a grant to the company named in the report to enable the delivery of new high quality mixed use floorspace in Wirral.

Reason Key: Expenditure impact > £500,000;

Type: Information Only

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  -

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Schedule 12A Local Government Act 1972 - paragraph 3. The report contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of a third party that are commercially sensitive.

Considered on: 4 Mar 2021 by Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Lead member: Councillor Anita Leech, Deputy Leader of Council, Chair Economy, Regeneration and Development, Chair Local Plan Sub-Committee

Lead director: Director of Regeneration and Place

Department: Business Services

Contact: Sally Shah Email:


Agenda items


  • Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund