Issue details

School Improvement Strategy

This School Improvement Strategy sets out the Council’s vision and ambition around school improvement. It forms part of a wider multi-factorial Education Strategy which will provide a new transformational and holistic approach to education across all areas, including early years, social care, early help and beyond.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2021

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
The decision needs to be taken to prevent any delay in the implementation of the new school improvement strategy at the being of the new school year in September. The production of a new strategy was identified as a priority following a review of current provision and in light of the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic upon schools and children’s education.

Decision due: 13 Sep 2021 by Children, Young People & Education Committee

Lead director: Director of Children, Families and Education