Issue details


The purpose of the report is to outline the recommendations arising out of phase 1 of the pupil place planning review.

In March 2021, the Children Young People and Education Committee endorsed the Pupil Place Planning Strategy 2021 -2026. This Strategy set out a planned framework for the review of school places in both primary and secondary mainstream schools over the next 5 years. Phase 1 of the primary phase of the review commenced in March 2021 looking at small planning areas in and around Birkenhead, specifically: Beechwood; Central Birkenhead; North Birkenhead; South Birkenhead; Noctorum; Prenton.

A detailed review framework and process has been undertaken and has included information gathering, stakeholder discussion and parent/carer engagement. This has culminated in a series of findings and recommendations as set out in Findings Report at Appendix 1.

Recommendations relating to both the Diocese of Shrewsbury (Catholic) and the Diocese of Chester (Church of England) have been presented, discussed and supported as well as proposals relating to Academy Trusts. This has demonstrated the strength in partnership working and collaboration across the education sector which will be harnessed as we move forward as a local education partnership. Fundamental to the work has been adherence to the principles outlined. These are the drivers for change and are intrinsically aligned to the ‘Brighter Futures’ priority in the Wirral Plan 2021-2026. The work has already been captured as a strategic driver within the Plan and this report and recommendations form part of its delivery. This is a key decision as it affects residents from two or more wards

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant people impact;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 10 Mar 2022 by Children Young People and Education Committee

Lead director: Director of Children, Families and Education

Contact: Email:


Agenda items
