Issue details
Information and Advice Service Commission
This report seeks agreement from the Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee to progress proposed commissioning intentions for information and advice services. The report sets out the requirement for a local information and advice service to be recommissioned from April 2024, as a joint commission.
The current service is experiencing increasing demand, supporting residents and communities with a wide range of issues. This report sets out the proposed funding model for the re-commission, including use of the Public Health Grant, given the strong links between the service outcomes, and improved population health. As part of the re-commissioning process, the potential to further integrate other information and advice services in Wirral will be explored.
Evaluation undertaken to date will shape the delivery and outcomes of this recommission, and an evaluation of the new service will take place to inform future recommissions.
The report supports the implementation of the Wirral Plan 2021 - 26 and its core purpose to improve equity for people and place through the provision of a pan-Wirral, commissioned service that directly supports people in need.
The proposed actions affect all wards within the borough and is a key decision.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure impact > £500,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Decision due: 29 Nov 2022 by Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee
Lead director: Director of Public Health
Contact: Jennifer Smedley Email:
- 29/11/2022 - Information and Advice Service Commission
Agenda items
- 29/11/2022 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee Information and Advice Service Commission 29/11/2022
- Information and Advice Service Commission