Issue details


The Council is proposing to transfer the Wirral Transport Museum to Big Heritage (BH), a locally based non-profit organisation, with a strong background in running museums and visitor attractions across the region. This will be a 25-year lease contracted out of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954.


The Museum and tramway track in 2021/22 cost the Council £85,000 to maintain and attract a limited number of visitors per year. The proposal by BH would be to create a compelling visitor attraction, drawing in up to 40,000 visitors per year. The Merseyside Tramway Preservation Society (MTPS), who currently run the Museum on behalf of the Council have expressed their full support of the asset transfer to BH, with their board unanimously agreeing to support the proposal.


This Asset Transfer is in line with the Council’s approved Asset Strategy 2022-27 approved by Policy and Resources Committee on 9 November 2022.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 9 Mar 2023 by Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Contact: Luke Bithell, Regeneration Project Manager Email:


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