Issue details

060323 charging policy review final for publishing

The Council has a current Adult Social Care charging and financial assessment policy which came into effect on 1 April 2015. It covers charging information for both residential care and non-residential care. This report sets out the result of an officer review of the provisions of the current policy. Following the review, it has been proposed that Adult Social Care should operation with two key charging policies.


The current policy has been split in two and strengthened to include more information which allows for a clear and transparent approach to charging, the two key policies drafted are:


Residential Charging Policy – Appendix 1


Community Services Charging Policy (previously referred to as Non-Residential) – Appendix 2


The adoption by the Council of a revision to current policy is recommended. Both charging policies will be subject to public consultation, therefore this is an in-principal decision, pending feedback from the consultation process (please see recommendations below). The new policies do not fundamentally change existing policy, they do however provide significantly more detail to enable people to make decisions regarding charging. Examples are provided to help the policy to be more understandable by people that contribute towards their social care costs. The new policy will not directly impact current charging arrangements.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 6 Mar 2023 by Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee


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