Issue details
Update on Care Market Sufficiency, Healthy Wirral Programme
The report provides an update on the Healthy
Wirral workstream for Care Market Sufficiency. This workstream is
led by Adult Social Care on behalf of the local Health and Care
System. The purpose of it is to ensure sufficiency in the community
care market to respond to local needs. The workstream directly
supports the community care market, care homes and domiciliary
care, to increase capacity and to improve safe flow to services to
meet demand from both a community and hospital setting.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Decision due: 28 Nov 2023 by Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee
Lead director: Director of Care and Health
Agenda items
- 28/11/2023 - Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee Update on Care Market Sufficiency, Healthy Wirral Programme 28/11/2023
- Update on Care Market Sufficiency, Healthy Wirral Programme