Issue details

Birkenhead Market Options

The current Birkenhead Market Hall is an aging building, operating inefficiently and the Council has been considering options to re-locate the market to an alternative market site for several years.


On 6 December 2023, this Committee received a report on the market and its future location. It (amongst other matters) agreed to progress the development of the design of the Princes Pavement option to RIBA Stage 3, appoint a market consultant to further develop the market operating model and then bring back the outcome of this work to the Committee for a decision. The report set out other options that have been considered in the past discounting them for practical reasons. This Committee also reviewed the capital cost of re-locating the existing market to a new purpose-built market hall on the site of the former House of Fraser Store (HOF). The capital cost of delivery for the HOF proposal is £31.6 million based on July 2023 figures and there is an emerging funding gap which could have a significant impact on the Council’s financial position. Furthermore, Policy and Resources Committee on 17 January 2024 resolved amongst other matters to reduce the capital budget for the new market project making the HOF proposal unaffordable. This report makes recommendations regarding the feasibility of the House of Fraser options.


In recognition of the recent engagement with Birkenhead Market Traders Association, Committee also agreed that further feasibility work would be undertaken on two options, the St John’s Pavement option and a refurbishment of part of the existing Birkenhead Market site.


The Committee also agreed to pause market development work on the House of Fraser site whilst this work was undertaken. Issues associated with the development of the HOF site for the purpose of a market were reported, including its financial viability.


This paper reports back to Committee on these points.


The report proposal directly supports the Wirral Plan (2023-27) through the key theme of working together to deliver people focused regeneration.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure impact > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/02/2024

Decision due: Between 1 May 2024 and 31 Aug 2024 by Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Lead director: Director of Regeneration and Place

Contact: Bryn Griffiths, Senior Democratic Services Officer Email: Tel: 0151 691 8117, Matthew Neal, Principal Solicitor- Planning and Property Email:


Agenda items


  • Birkenhead Market Options