Issue details

Homeless Support Services - 16 and 17 year old provision

Under Housing Law, the Council has a statutory duty to secure suitable accommodation for an individual presenting as homeless if there is reason to believe they are homeless, eligible for assistance and in priority need. Those in priority need include young people aged 16-17.


For adults, the definition of ‘suitable accommodation’ may include emergency housing such as B&B accommodation, or temporary housing such as standard residential accommodation. However, for homeless 16- & 17-year-olds, statutory guidance states that B&B accommodation is never suitable for this cohort, and that it is not usually appropriate to place any 16- or 17-year-old in temporary accommodation that does not provide on-site support.


In March 2024, the Housing Department undertook a competitive procurement process for the delivery of a Supported Housing Service for homeless 16/17-year-olds. The contract term for this service will be for one (1) year from 11th July 2024 until 10th July 2025 with the option to extend the contract by a further two (2) years. The total identified global budget for the potential maximum 3 years of the contract will be £1,330,314.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/05/2024

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
The proposal is to provide a package of support to extremely vulnerable 16 and 17 year olds to whom the Council has a statutory duty to provide accommodation. This package of support is to be provided by a preferred tenderer after completion of a procurement exercise A review of the detailed contractual specification arising has demonstrated that the services contemplated do not engage the provisions within the constitution which would otherwise have provided an exemption to the need to publish the decision. A published officer decision notice is required in order to enable the appointment of the preferred tenderer to proceed. The matter is of such urgency that it would be impracticable to defer.

Decision due: Between 1 Aug 2024 and 30 Nov 2024 by Director of Regeneration and Place

Lead member: Councillor Tony Jones, Chair of Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee

Lead director: Director of Regeneration and Place

Department: Delivery

Contact: Lisa Newman Email:



  • General Exception Notice - Homeless Support Services - 16 and 17 year old provision