Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'LOW PAID WIRRAL COUNCIL WORKERS - PAY INCREASE'
- Councillor Alan Brighouse - Personal - By virtue of his wife's employment.
- Councillor Cherry Povall, JP - Personal - By virtue of her daughter's employment.
- Councillor Chris Meaden - Personal - By virtue of her daughter's employment.
- Councillor George Davies - Personal - By virtue of his wife's, daughter's and daughter-in-law's employment.
- Councillor Les Rowlands - Personal - By virtue of his wife's employment.
- Councillor Mark Johnston - Prejudicial - By virtue of his wife's employment (Councillor Johnston left the Chamber whilst the matter was considered)
- Councillor Sheila Clarke MBE - Personal - By virtue of her daughter's employment.
- Councillor Simon R Mountney - Personal - By virtue of his wife's employment.
- Councillor Steve Williams - Personal - By virtue of his wife's employment.
- Councillor Tom Harney - Personal - By virtue of him being Chair of Governors at two Wirral schools.