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Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Minority Reports - Transformation of Leisure Services Sports and Leisure Facilities Pricing Structure'
- Councillor Adam Sykes - Personal and Prejudicial - By virtue of a family member being a former member of the armed forces.
- Councillor Bill Davies - Personal - By virtue of having relatives who had served in the armed forces but who did not reside in Wirral
- Councillor Chris Meaden - Personal - By virtue of her daughter being a former member of the armed forces but who now resided abroad
- Councillor Christina Muspratt - Personal and Prejudicial - By virtue of her son being a former member of the armed forces.
- Councillor Denise Realey - Personal and Prejudicial - By virtue of her former membership of the armed forces or Territorial Army.
- Councillor Joe Walsh - Personal and Prejudicial - By virtue of his former membership of the armed forces or Territorial Army.
- Councillor Louise Reecejones - Personal and Prejudicial - By virtue of her former membership of the armed forces or Territorial Army.
- Councillor Phillip Brightmore - Personal and Prejudicial - By virtue of his former membership of the armed forces or Territorial Army.