Declarations of interest Date range: Committee: Select a committee All 0-19 Standards Sub-Committee Active Travel Forum Adult Care and Health Overview Adult Services Reference Group Adult Social Care and Public H Appeals Panel Appeals Sub-Committee Appointment Panel Appointments (School Appeals P Area Forum (Bebington and Clat Area Forum (Bebington, Brombor Area Forum (Bidston and Claugh Area Forum (Bidston, Claughton Area Forum (Birkenhead & Tranm Area Forum (Birkenhead, Tranme Area Forum (Bromborough and Ea Area Forum (East Wallasey) Area Forum (Greasby-Frankby-Ir Area Forum (Greasby/Frankby/Ir Area Forum (Heswall & Clatterb Area Forum (Heswall and Pensby Area Forum (Leasowe, Moreton a Area Forum (Liscard and Seacom Area Forum (New Brighton and W Area Forum (Oxton and Prenton) Area Forum (Prenton & Upton) Area Forum (West Wallasey) Area Forum (West Wirral) Attainment Sub-Committee Audit and Risk Management Comm Birkenhead Park Advisory Commi Business Overview and Scrutiny Cabinet Central Services Select Charitable Trusts Sub-Committe Cheshire and Wirral Councils Cheshire CC-MB Wirral Joint Sc Children Act Reference Group ( Children and Families Overview Children and Young People Over Children and Young People's St Children Bill Reference Group Children Sub-Committee Children Young People and Educ Children's Services and Lifelo Childrens Services and Lifelon Community and Customer Engagem Constituency Committee - Birke Constituency Committee - Walla Constituency Committee - Walla Constituency Committee - Wirra Constituency Committee - Wirra Constitution Constitution and Standards Com Corporate Governance Committee Corporate Parenting Panel Corporate Resources - Delegate Corporate Services - Delegated Corporate Services Overview an Council Council Excellence Overview an Cultural Services Sub-Committe Culture & Community Services S Culture, Tourism and Leisure O Decision Review Committee Democracy Working Party Economic Regeneration and Plan Economy and Regeneration Overv Economy Regeneration & Housing Education and Cultural Service Education and Lifelong Learnin Education Staff Panel Emergency Emergency Decisions Employment and Appointments Co Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Pa Employment and Appointments Su Employment and Appointments Su Environment & Planning Strateg Environment and Transportation Environment Overview and Scrut Environment Overview and Scrut Environment, Climate Emergency Environment, Transportation an Executive Board Finance and Best Value Overvie Finance and Corporate Manageme Finance Sub Committee Finance, Best Value and Constr Forward Plan Health and Care Performance Pa Health and Well Being Overview Health and Wellbeing Board Highways and Traffic Represent Hilbre Islands Nature Reserve Housing and Community Safety O Housing and Community Safety S Housing Committee Housing Review Panel Investigation and Disciplinary Joint Education-Cultural Servi Joint Environment & Transporta Joint Housing & Community Safe Joint Housing and Community Sa Joint Meeting Housing & Commun Joint Meeting- East and West W Joint Strategic Commissioning Joint Strategic Commissioning Joint Strategic Commissioning Licensing Act 2003 Committee Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committ Licensing Act Committee Licensing Act Sub Committee Licensing Panel Licensing Panel (Expired) Licensing, Health and Safety a Local Area Agreement Programme Local Pension Board Local Plan Steering Sub Commit Local Strategic Partnership (n Local Strategic Partnership (n Local Strategic Partnership As Local Strategic Partnership Ex Partnerships Committee Pensions Committee People Overview and Scrutiny C Planning Committee Policy and Performance - Coord Policy and Performance - Famil Policy and Performance - Regen Policy and Performance - Trans Policy and Resources Committee Ratification Committee Ratification Committee (Social Redundancy Appeal Regeneration and Planning Stra Regulatory and General Purpose Regulatory Panel Review of Scrutiny Arrangement Safety at Sports Grounds Panel School Organisation Committee School Standards Sub-Committee Scrutiny Chairs Group Scrutiny Programme Board Senior Officer and Appointment Shareholder Board SLT FOR KEY DECISION REPORTS Social & Health Services Sele Social Care & Health Select Social Care, Health and Inclus Social Inclusion Select Social Services Complaints Pan Social Services General Panel Special (AVC Selection) Panel Standards and Constitutional O Standards Committee Standards Committee Appointmen Standards Consideration Panel Standards Hearing Panel Standards Initial Assessment P Standards Panel Strategic Applications Sub Com Strategic Applications Sub-Com Strategic Planning Sub Committ Streetscene and Transport Serv Streetscene and Transport Serv Sustainable Communities Overvi Test Committee TESTING COMMITTE C (NEW DOMAIN Tourism, Communities, Culture Transportation & Infrastructur Urgency Committee Virtual Committee (Wirral Intr Virtual School Governing Body Ward Roadshow (Bebington) Ward Roadshow (Bromborough) Ward Roadshow (Clatterbridge) Ward Roadshow (Claughton) Ward Roadshow (Eastham) Ward Roadshow (Egerton) Ward Roadshow (Leasowe) Ward Roadshow (Moreton) Ward Roadshow (Oxton) Ward Roadshow (Royden) Ward Roadshow (Seacombe) Ward Roadshow (Tranmere) Ward Roadshow (Upton) Waste and Recycling Sub-Commit West Wirral Area Forum Wirral & Cheshire West and Che Wirral and North Wales Purchas Wirral Children's Trust Wirral Executive - Safer Merse Wirral Place Based Partnership Wirral Schools Forum Wirral Schools Forum- Funding Wirral/LGA Improvement Board ( Youth and Play Service Advisor Category: Any Disclosable Pecuniary Non Pecuniary Personal Personal and Prejudicial Prejudicial Councillor: Any Ainsworth, Councillor Ann Ain Baldwin, Councillor Colin Bal Basnett, Councillor Paula Bas Bennett, Councillor Gary Benn Bennett, Councillor Stephen B Bird, Councillor Jo Bird Booth, Councillor Max Booth Brame, Councillor Allan Brame Cameron, Councillor Helen Cam Carubia, Councillor Chris Car Cleary, Councillor Pat Cleary Cooke, Councillor Christopher Cooper, Councillor Graeme Coo Cox, Councillor Tony Cox Davies, Councillor Angela Dav Davies, Councillor Graham Dav Davies, Councillor George Dav Foulkes, Councillor Steve Fou Gardner, Councillor Andrew Ga Gilchrist, Councillor Phil Gi Gorman, Councillor Harry Gorm Graham, Councillor Naomi Grah Green, Councillor Jeff Green Grey, Councillor Elizabeth Gr Grier, Councillor Judith Grie Hall, Councillor Brenda Hall Hodson, Councillor Andrew Hod Hodson, Councillor Kathy Hods Jenkinson, Councillor Gail Je Jobson, Councillor Paul Jobso Johnson, Councillor Jennifer Jones, Councillor Tony Jones Jordan, Councillor Mary Jorda Kelly, Councillor Stuart Kell Kenny, Councillor Brian Kenny Kenny, Councillor Daisy M Ken Laing, Councillor Tom Laing Lamb, Councillor Ed Lamb Lewis, Councillor Ian Lewis Luxon-Kewley, Councillor Loui Martin, Councillor Paul Marti McDonald, Councillor Craig Wa McManus, Councillor Grahame M McManus, Councillor Julie McM Molyneux, Councillor Ruth Mol Mountney, Councillor Simon R Murphy, Councillor Kieran Mur Murphy, Councillor Tony Murph Onwuemene, Councillor Amanda Pitt, Councillor Richie Pitt Povall, Councillor Cherry Pov Powell-Wilde, Councillor Sue Raymond, Councillor Helen Ray Redfern, Councillor Mike Redf Rennie, Councillor Lesley Ren Robinson, Councillor Jean Rob Skillicorn, Councillor Mark S Stewart Laing, Councillor Jam Stuart, Councillor Kaitlin St Stuart, Councillor Paul Stuar Sullivan, Councillor Mike Sul Tomeny, Councillor Ewan Tomen Walsh, Councillor Jason Walsh Williams, Councillor Jerry Wi Williamson, Councillor Janett Wilson, Councillor Vida Wilso Wood, Councillor Gillian Wood Declarations There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period