Forward Plan

March to June 2023  (01/03/2023 to 30/06/2023, Policy and Resources Committee)

Plan items
No. Item

Economy, Regeneration and Housing Committee

Contact Details:

David Hughes

Director of Regeneration and Place

Tel: 0151 691 8319


Wirral Waters Enterprise Zone Investment Fund

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Originally due:   1 May 2021

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/12/2015

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Liverpool City Region Economic Initiatives and Funding

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2017

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Birkenhead Town Centre Masterplan

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/02/2015

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Hind Street Regeneration Framework

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/08/2019

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Hind Street Infrastructure Relocations

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/05/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Appointment of Preferred Developer to Deliver the New Ferry Regeneration Masterplan and Authority to Commence a Compulsory Purchase Order

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/05/2020

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Spatial Framework for the Borough

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Originally due:   1 Jan 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/08/2018


Wirral Growth Company Final Site Development Plans for Moreton

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/01/2021

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Wirral Growth Company - Final Site Development Plans for Bromborough

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/01/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Investment Plan

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/01/2021


Mass Transit

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/01/2021


Liverpool City Region Cycling Walking Investment Plan - Birkenhead to New Brighton

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Originally due:   1 Sep 2022

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2019


Dock Branch Neighbourhood and Park

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/04/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Birkenhead Waterfront

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Policy and Resources Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/04/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Wirral Waters, Dock Road, Wallasey

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/05/2021

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Freeports and Maritime Innovation & Growth Projects

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/09/2021

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Submission of Outline Business Case for Homes England Funding

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/09/2021


St Werburgh's Masterplan and Delivery Strategy

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/04/2022


Former House of Fraser Site (part) - Appointment of Residential Developer Partner

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/04/2022

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Development of a New Market for Birkenhead

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/04/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Public Toilet Consultation Outcomes

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/05/2022


Approval for Compulsory Purchase Order for Land at Trafalgar Road, Wallasey

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/12/2021


Housing Growth Strategy - Delivering for Wirral

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/03/2020


Central Government Housing Infrastructure Funding

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/12/2018

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Birkenhead Delivery Partnership

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2022


Approval for CPO for land at Trafalgar Road

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2022


Affordable Homes Statement

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Director of Regeneration and Place

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2022


Amendment to Housing Financial Assistance Policy

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2022


Old Hall Lane, Bromborough - Land Transaction

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Ray Squire

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  -


New Ferry Community Clubhouse Capital Project

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Jeanette Royle

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2022


Hind Street Delivery New!

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Cathy Palmer

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2023

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)

Enviroment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee


Nicki Butterworth

Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED

Tel: (switchboard) 606 2000; (direct) 606 2130



West Kirby Marine Lake

Decision maker:  Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/01/2021


Active Travel Strategy

Decision maker:  Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/01/2021


20mph Zones Phase 2 - Consideration of Objections and Officers' Responses

Decision maker:  Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2022


City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement, Highways Structural Maintenance Programme 2023-2027

Decision maker:  Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Simon Fox

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2022


City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement, Combined Authority Transport Plan Programme 2023-2027

Decision maker:  Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Simon Fox

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2022


West Kirby Flood Alleviation Scheme Contract Variation New!

Decision maker:  Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Neil Thomas

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2023

Policy and Resources Committee


Shaer Halewood

Tel: (switchboard) 606 2000; (direct) 691 8688



Matthew Bennett

Tel: (switchboard) 606 2000; (direct) 691 8182



Strategic Change Programme

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee, Director of Resources

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/05/2021

Anticipated restriction: Open  -


Capital Ward Funding

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/07/2022


Household Support Fund Winter 2022/23

Decision maker:  Director of Resources

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/07/2022


Council Tax 2023/24 - Tax Base, Discounts and Exemptions and Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee, Council

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/07/2022


Capital Monitoring

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2022


Revenue Monitoring New!

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Mark Goulding

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2023


Asset Strategy

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  David Ball

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  -


Asset Disposal Strategy

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2022


Asset Transfer Strategy

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2022


Insurance Market Tender for Property Related Insurances/Policies

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee, Director of Finance

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/01/2023


2023/24 Budget and Medium Term Financial Plan

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee, Council

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Daniel Kirwan

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/01/2023


Capital Programme 2023-28

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee, Council

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Gary Mitchell

Decision status:  Implemented

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/01/2023


Capital Financing Strategy 2023-2028

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee, Council

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Gary Mitchell

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/01/2023


Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24

Decision maker:  Council, Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Gary Mitchell

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/01/2023


Investment Strategy 2023/24

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee, Council

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Gary Mitchell

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/01/2023


Water, Wastewater and Ancillary Services

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Jeanette Royle

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/01/2023


Pay Policy Statement

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee, Council

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/01/2023

Children, Young People and Education Committee


Simone White

Hamilton Building, Conway Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 4FD

Tel: (switchboard) 606 2000; (direct) 666 4288



Outcome of School Sufficiency Consultation

Decision maker:  Children, Young People & Education Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/07/2022


Transforming Care Therapeutic Short Breaks Capital Proposal

Decision maker:  Director of Children, Families and Education, Director of Law and Corporate Services (Monitoring Officer), Director of Regeneration and Place, Director of Resources

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Anne Marie Carney

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/06/2022


Proposed Alterations to Special Schools

Decision maker:  Children, Young People & Education Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2022


Proposed Alterations to Community Schools

Decision maker:  Children, Young People & Education Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2022

Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure Committee


Nicki Butterworth

Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH44 8ED

Tel: (switchboard) 606 2000; (direct) 606 2130



Community Asset Transfer

Decision maker:  Director of Neighbourhood Services, Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2022


Libraries Strategy and New Model (Update)

Decision maker:  Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee, Director of Neighbourhood Services

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/04/2021


Facilities Investment Strategy (Leisure)

Decision maker:  Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Community Safety

Decision maker:  Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/05/2022


Grass Roots Football (Update)

Decision maker:  Director of Neighbourhood Services, Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/04/2021


The Development of Golf and New Operating Model

Decision maker:  Director of Neighbourhood Services, Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/05/2021


Grassroots Football Grants Offer Acceptance

Decision maker:  Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee, Director of Neighbourhood Services

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Paul Hurst

Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/06/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Detail of the offer letter and T&Cs


Birkenhead Culture and Heritage Strategy and Borough of Culture 2024 Planning and Governance

Decision maker:  Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2022


Heritage and Conservation Strategy

Decision maker:  Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2022


Wirral Tram Museum New!

Decision maker:  Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2023


Customer Experience Strategy New!

Decision maker:  Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Fergus Adams

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2023

Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee


Graham Hodkinson

Old Market House, Hamilton Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 5AL

Tel: (switchboard) 606 2000; (direct) 666 3650



CVF Working Together Plan and Business Case

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2022


Carers Services and Carers Strategy

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2022


Direct Payments Support Services

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/07/2022


Health Protection Strategy

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Jennifer Smedley

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2022


Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Commission

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Jennifer Smedley

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2022


National Substance Misuse Grant Funding Update

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2022


Charging Policy Review

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Jason Oxley

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2022


All Age Disability and Autism Review

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Jean Stephens

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2022


Outcome of Annual Rates and Fees Engagement Exercise

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Jayne Marshall

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/11/2022


Reablement Service - design and cost

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Jean Stephens

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/12/2022


All Age Disability and Mental Health Service Delivery Review New!

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   19 Sep 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2023


Wirral Care Quality and Suspension Policy New!

Decision maker:  Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Amand Parry-Mateo

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2023

Standing Items


Liverpool City Region Transport Initiatives and Funding

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Neighbourhood Services, Policy and Resources Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place, Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/01/2022


Liverpool City Region Enabling Powers and Associated Issues

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/06/2018


Treasury Management

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Originally due:   1 Jul 2022

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/05/2022


Strategic Asset Acquisitions

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/09/2017

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Loan / Loan Facility Application

Decision maker:  Director of Resources, Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/10/2019

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Property and Land Disposals

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Policy and Resources Committee, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/08/2021


Financial Support Packages

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/05/2022


Capital Programme Amendments 2022/23

Decision maker:  Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/05/2022


Asset Transfers Neighbourhood Services

Decision maker:  Director of Neighbourhood Services, Tourism, Communities, Culture & Leisure Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2022


Application for Financial Assistance

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/02/2017

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Future High Streets Fund Projects

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/04/2021

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Towns / High Street Funding Initiatives

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/05/2021

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Hind Street Movement Strategy

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/01/2021

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Liveable Neighbourhoods

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Originally due:   1 May 2022

Notice of proposed decision first published: 28/01/2021


Electric Vehicle Strategy

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 31/01/2022


Parking Strategy

Decision maker:  Environment, Climate Emergency and Transport Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/04/2021


Levelling Up Fund

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Policy and Resources Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Originally due:   1 Dec 2022

Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/12/2021

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Due to commercially sensitive information


Hamilton Park Green Streets including Birkenhead Park

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2022


Heritage Tram

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2022


Wirral Local Plan

Decision maker:  Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee, Policy and Resources Committee, Director of Regeneration and Place

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/07/2022


Contract Approvals - School Capital Programme

Decision maker:  Director of Regeneration and Place, Economy Regeneration & Housing Committee

Decision due:   Between 1 Apr 2023 and 31 Jul 2023

Lead officer:  Jeanette Royle

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/09/2022

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  -