Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Wallasey Town Hall. View directions
No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest. Minutes: Members of the Council were asked to consider whether they had any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.
Councillor Denise Roberts declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 11(v) - Notice of Motion – ‘Supporting Wirral’s Part in our Nuclear Industries’ by virtue of her membership of CND (see minute 59 post).
Councillor Steve Niblock declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 11(v) - Notice of Motion – ‘Supporting Wirral’s Part in our Nuclear Industries’ by virtue of his former membership of CND and a personal interest in agenda item 11(iv) – ‘Flooding in Moreton’ and the proposed amendment to that motion, by virtue of him being a tenant of Magenta Living (see minutes 59 and 62 post)
Councillors Steve Foulkes, Jeff Green and Stuart Whittingham declared a personal interest in agenda item 11(iv) – ‘Flooding in Moreton’ and the proposed amendment to that motion, by virtue of their membership of Magenta Living (see minute 62 post).
This minute was subsequently amended by Council at its meeting on 14 December, 2015 (minute 76 refers) to incorporate Councillor Stuart Whittingham’s personal interest declaration reference minute 62 post, by virtue of him being a Board member of Magenta Living.
CIVIC MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive the Mayor's announcements and any apologies for absence. Minutes: The Mayor noted that apologies were received from Councillors Phill Brightmore, Matt Daniel, Leah Fraser, Treena Johnson, Walter Smith and Pat Williams.
The Mayor referred to the recent tragic death of Police Constable David Phillips and spoke of how much his death had touched the community of Wirral. He asked that the appropriate letters be sent to the Police and PC Phillips’ family.
The Leader of the Council paid tribute to PC David Phillips who had been tragically killed on 5 October 2015. There had been an overwhelming outpouring of grief for PC Phillips, his family and friends. Councillor Davies had been impressed by the coming together of the community across Wirral and by the number of people who had come in to the Town Hall to sign the Book of Condolence.
The Police were held in high esteem and did a remarkable job for the residents of Wirral. Councillor Davies proposed that, at an appropriate time, PC Phillips should be posthumously awarded the Freedom of the Borough which would ensure his memory was kept in the minds of the people of Wirral. He also informed that the Council would consider what practical support it could provide for PC Phillips’ family. He was proud of the show of solidarity given by the people of Wirral.
Councillor Green thanked the Leader for sharing his ideas and thoughts on appropriate ways of marking the Council’s respect. What he had proposed was absolutely right and would have his Group’s full support.
Councillor Lesley Rennie, as a former serving Police Officer, then paid this tribute to PC Phillips,
“Mr. Mayor, as a former warranted officer of Merseyside Police I am humbled to be given the opportunity to contribute.
At such a sad time this Council sends it’s heartfelt and deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of PC David Phillips; and thanks them all for their commitment to ensuring the safety of our residents.
Such dedicated commitment has resulted in the tragic death of a fine, young, family man and true professional.
When I woke a week ago and heard the most devastating news many have us have received in years, like you all, my heart sank and we all question, “how can this happen in this day and age, here in this country and here in our neighbourhood?”
But the reality was that it had and a fantastic public servant had lost his life – doing his job, ensuring we can all sleep safely in our beds, and serving his community.
Over 100 serving police officers have lost their lives since 1970, actively serving the public, killed in the line of duty.
We can all remember many of them. I well remember in 1984 WPC Yvonne Fletcher shot at the Libyan Embassy in London.
In 1985, Constable Keith Blakelock, surrounded by a mob on the Broadwater Farm Estate and dying of his horrific injuries.
More recently in 2012 WPCs Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone shot in Manchester.
There are many more ... view the full minutes text for item 42. |
PETITIONS To receive petitions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 21. Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 21, the Mayor received petitions submitted by –
Councillor Chris Blakeley on behalf of 31 signatories requesting resident only parking in Holt Avenue, Moreton.
Councillor Chris Carubia on behalf of:
(i). 130 signatories requesting traffic calming measures between Heygarth and Bridle Road prior to the completion of 300 new homes being built at Acre Lane and Bridle Road, Bromborough. (ii).968 signatories requesting that the emergency services be allowed free access through the Mersey Tunnels for free.
Councillor Geoffrey Watt on behalf of 454 signatories opposing the loss of the No. 80 Newton Circular bus on 1 September.
Resolved –That the petitions be noted and referred to the appropriate Chief Officer in accordance with Standing Order 34. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS To deal with questions from members of the public, in accordance with Appendix 1 to Standing Orders. Minutes: Mr B Penketh, having given the appropriate notice in accordance with Standing Order 11, submitted a question on the collection of business rates.
The Leader of the Council responded accordingly.
In accordance with Standing Order 10, Mr Penketh asked a supplementary question and Councillor Davies replied. |
To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 6 and 13 July, 2015. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of three Council meetings held on 6 and 13 July, 2015 had been circulated to Members and, it was –
Resolved – That the minutes be approved and adopted as a correct record. |
LEADER'S, EXECUTIVE MEMBERS' AND CHAIRS REPORTS PDF 86 KB To receive the written reports of the Leader, Cabinet Members and Chairs of the Policy and Performance Committees and receive questions and answers on any of those reports in accordance with Standing Orders 10(2)(a) and 11. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader of the Council presented his summary report upon matters relevant to his portfolio. He responded to questions from Councillors Chris Blakeley and Pat Cleary and made a number of comments including –
· With regard to Wirral Waters and the proposed International Trade Centre discussions were ongoing and an announcement was imminent. · The Council was working closely with Neptune Developments on the Birkenhead Town Centre masterplan and a period of consultation would be held with the public, local residents and across the whole of Wirral, although the format of this consultation had not yet been formalised.
Questions were then invited for Councillor Ann McLachlan on her Governance, Commissioning and Improvement Portfolio Report and responses to questions from Councillors Jean Stapleton, Jeff Green and Dave Mitchell included the following comments:
· Other areas of alternative delivery models might include mutual organisations or shared services, the Council was looking at a range of areas. There were major opportunities to talk about collaboration and further announcements would be made over the coming weeks. · Discussions were ongoing with Trade Unions and she acknowledged there would be concerns from the workforce. The idea of alternative delivery models was about securing top quality services for Wirral whilst securing jobs and she hoped that the Trade Union partners would work with the Council. · She was confident that the new Community Interest Company, Edsential, would work. The Business Plan had been worked up jointly with Cheshire West and Chester Council partners and the Council was entering into this with optimism and enthusiasm.
Questions were then invited for Councillor George Davies on the Neighbourhoods, Housing and Engagement Portfolio Report and his responses to questions from Councillors Lesley Rennie and Chris Blakeley included the following comments:
· He would most definitely call in on Justine Molyneux, Chief Executive of Involve Northwest, regarding their work with families who had suffered from domestic abuse. · A plan for new housing needed to be up and running by 2017 with a target of 700 properties per year in terms of brownfield sites. He would hope to give a five year guarantee that greenbelt land would not be developed but if it was absolutely necessary then the Council would have to go out to consultation on this.
Questions were then invited for Councillor Pat Hackett on the Economy Portfolio report. No questions were posed.
Questions were invited for Councillor Adrian Jones on the Support Services Portfolio Report and his responses to questions from Councillors Chris Blakeley, Janette Williamson, Chris Spriggs, Chris Carubia and Phil Gilchrist included the following comments:
· With regard to Morris Homes and an exclusivity period in respect of the Acre Lane site he was not aware of the timescale on this but he would report back to Councillor Gilchrist with this information. · He asked that Councillor Blakeley provide his question regarding IT equipment in writing so that he could provide a written response. · The redesigned Council website was now much easier to use, fully mobile responsive for use with tablets, smartphones, laptops or ... view the full minutes text for item 46. |
MATTERS REQUIRING APPROVAL BY THE COUNCIL PDF 54 KB To consider any recommendations of the Leader, Cabinet, Cabinet Member and Committees which require the approval of the Council. The relevant minutes are attached; copies of the related reports can be provided for Council members on request.
A. Human Resources Policy Update (including revised Disciplinary Policy and Procedure)
Minute 7 and the report to the Transformation and Resources Policy and Performance Committee (15 July, 2015) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the revised Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.
B. Capital Monitoring 2015/16 – Quarter 1 (April – June 2015)
Minute 41 and the report to Cabinet (27 July, 2015) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the revised capital programme of £61.5 million.
C. Revenue Monitoring 2015/16 – Quarter 1 (April – June 2015)
Minute 42 and the report to Cabinet (27 July, 2015) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the amended revenue budget 2015/16.
D. Children and Young People’s Department – New Capital Schemes 2015-16 to 2017-18
Minute 51 and the report to Cabinet (10 September, 2015) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the new capital schemes’ inclusion within the overall Capital Programme.
E. Attendance Management Policy
Minute 15 and the report to the Transformation and Resources Policy and Performance Committee (21 September, 2015) are attached and the Council is recommended to approve the revised Attendance Management Policy and Procedure. Additional documents:
Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 5(2), five matters were submitted for approval by the Council (see minutes 48 to 52 post). |
Revised Disciplinary Policy and Procedure Minutes: The first matter requiring approval was in relation to the Revised Disciplinary Policy and Procedure and the recommendation made by the Transformation and Resources Policy and Performance Committee at its meeting on 15 July, 2015 (minute 7 refers) to approve the revised Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.
On a motion by Councillor Janette Williamson, seconded by Councillor Phil Davies, it was –
Resolved (57:1) (One abstention) – That the recommendations contained within minute 7 the Transformation and Resources Policy and Performance Committee, be approved. |
Capital Programme 2015/16 Minutes: The second matter requiring approval was in relation to a recommendation of Cabinet at its meeting on 27 July, 2015 (minute 41 refers) to approve a revised Capital Programme 2015/16.
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor Ann McLachlan, it was -
Resolved (58:0) (One abstention) – That the revised Capital Programme 2015/16 of £61.5 million, be approved. |
Revenue Budget 2015/16 Minutes: The third matter requiring approval was in relation to a recommendation of Cabinet at its meeting on 27 July, 2015 (minute 42 refers) to approve an amended Revenue Budget 2015/16.
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor Ann McLachlan, it was -
Resolved (58:0) (One abstention) – That the amended Revenue Budget 2015/16, be approved. |
Children and Young People's Department - New Capital Schemes 2015/16 to 2017/18 Minutes: The fourth matter requiring approval was in relation to a recommendation of Cabinet at its meeting on 10 September, 2015 (minute 51 refers) to approve new capital schemes’ inclusion within the overall Capital Programme.
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor Ann McLachlan, it was -
Resolved (58:0) (One abstention) – That the new capital schemes’ inclusion within the overall Capital Programme, be approved. |
Attendance Management Policy Minutes: The fifth matter requiring approval was in relation to the revised Attendance Management Policy and Procedure and the recommendation made by the Transformation and Resources Policy and Performance Committee at its meeting on 21 September, 2015 (minute 15 refers) to approve the revised Attendance Management Policy and Procedure.
Prior to the vote being taken Councillor Jeff Green referred to a letter he had received from UNISON about this matter.
Councillor Janette Williamson commented that the matter had received all party approval at the Committee.
On a motion by Councillor Janette Williamson, seconded by Councillor Phil Davies, it was –
Resolved (57:1) (One abstention) – That the revised Attendance Management Policy and Procedure, be approved. |
The following matter, determined by the Cabinet, is drawn to the Council’s attention in accordance with the Constitution (copies of the related report can be provided for Council members on request).
Cabinet – 13 July, 2015 Minute 25 – Financial Monitoring Out-turn Reports for 2014/15 Minutes: On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor Ann McLachlan, it was –
Resolved – That minute 25 (Cabinet – 13 July, 2015) – Financial Monitoring Out-turn 2014/15, be noted. |
MEMBERS' QUESTIONS To consider Members’ general questions to the Mayor, Cabinet Member or Committee Chair in accordance with Standing Orders 10 (2)(b) and 11. Minutes: Councillor Phil Gilchrist, having given the appropriate notice in accordance with Standing Order 10(2) (b), submitted a question addressed to Councillor Phil Davies (Leader of the Council), in respect of the South Wirral Youth Hub and the delivery plan for the Council 2020 Vision Plan.
Councillor Phil Davies responded accordingly. |
MATTERS REFERRED FROM POLICY AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEES PDF 48 KB To consider and determine any references from the Policy and Performance Committees.
A. The Council is advised that the Notice of Motion, ‘Wirral’s Economic Success’ referred from Council at its meeting on 6 July, 2015 (minute 31 refers) was considered by the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee on 15 September 2015 (minute 13 is attached).
In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council is asked to consider the following recommendation of the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee:
“Resolved – That the Motion be noted.”
B. The Council is advised that the Notice of Motion, ‘Mental Health Challenge’ referred from Council at its meeting on 6 July, 2015 (minute 31 refers) was considered by the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee on 8 September 2015 (minute 17 is attached).
In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council is asked to consider the following recommendation of the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee:
“Resolved - That the Council be advised that the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee fully supports the Notice of Motion in relation to the Mental Health Challenge.”
C. The Council is advised that the Notice of Motion, ’44 Councillors’ referred from Council at its meeting on 20 October, 2014 (minute 57 refers) was considered by the Policy and Performance Coordinating Committee on 30 September 2015 (minute 13 is attached).
In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council is asked to consider the following recommendation of the Policy and Performance Coordinating Committee:
“Resolved: That
(1) the Committee thanks the Mayor for the referral of this Notice of Motion and regrets that there has been a delay in it being brought to the Committee for its consideration, though it accepts that this was due to a number of circumstances which were not in its control; and
(2) the Committee considers that factors to be considered when determining what constitutes proper, fair representation of Wirral’s population go beyond simply numbers and so proposes that it establishes a Task and Finish Panel to undertake a more in depth examination of the issues and that this be added to the Committee’s Work Programme.” Additional documents: Minutes: Three matters had been referred to the Council by three Policy and Performance Committees, in accordance with Standing Order 7(5) (see minutes 56 to 58 post). |
Wirral's Economic Success - Committee Referral Minutes: At the meeting of the Council held on 6 July, 2015 (minute 31 refers) the Mayor had referred a Notice of Motion ‘Wirral’s Economic Success’ to the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee. The motion was duly considered at the meeting of the Committee on 15 September, 2015 (minute 13 refers).
In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council was invited to consider the recommendation of the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee which had resolved that –
“The motion be noted.”
Resolved – That the resolution of the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee be noted. |
Mental Health Challenge - Committee Referral Minutes: At the meeting of the Council held on 6 July, 2015 (minute 31 refers) the Mayor had referred a Notice of Motion ‘Mental Health Challenge’ to the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee. The motion was duly considered at the meeting of the Committee on 8 September, 2015 (minute 17 refers).
In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council was invited to consider the recommendation of the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee which had resolved that –
“The Council be advised that the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee fully supports the Notice of Motion in relation to the Mental Health Challenge.”
Resolved – That the resolution of the Families and Wellbeing Policy and Performance Committee be noted. |
44 Councillors - Committee Referral Minutes: At the meeting of the Council held on 20 October, 2014 (minute 57 refers) the Mayor had referred a Notice of Motion ’44 Councillors’ to the Policy and Performance Coordinating Committee. The motion was duly considered at the meeting of the Committee on 30 September, 2015 (minute 13 refers).
In accordance with Standing Order 7 (5) the Council was invited to consider the recommendation of the Policy and Performance Coordinating Committee which had resolved that –
“(1) The Committee thanks the Mayor for the referral of this Notice of Motion and regrets that there has been a delay in it being brought to the Committee for its consideration, though it accepts that this was due to a number of circumstances which were not in its control; and
(2) The Committee considers that factors to be considered when determining what constitutes proper, fair representation of Wirral’s population go beyond simply numbers and so proposes that it establishes a Task and Finish Panel to undertake a more in depth examination of the issues and that this be added to the Committee’s Work Programme.”
Resolved – That the resolution of the Policy and Performance Coordinating Committee be noted. |
Notices of motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(1), are attached. They are listed in the order received, and the full text of each motion is attached. The Mayor, having considered each motion, in accordance with Standing Order 7(4) has decided that they will be dealt with as follows:
(i). Open Government? The Civic Mayor to refer to the Transformation and Resources Policy and Performance Committee.
(ii). Better Planning to Facilitate Cycling The Civic Mayor to refer to the Planning Committee.
(iii). Devolution To be debated.
(iv). Flooding in Moreton To be debated.
(v). Supporting Wirral’s Part in Our Nuclear Industries The Civic Mayor to refer to the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee.
(vi). Wirral’s Successful Businesses To be debated.
(vii). Syrian Refugee Crisis To be debated. Additional documents: Minutes: Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(1) were reported to the Council. The Mayor having considered each motion, in accordance with Standing Order 7(4) had decided that they would be dealt with as follows:
(i). Open Government? - To be referred to the Transformation and Resources Policy and Performance Committee.
(ii). Better Planning to Facilitate Cycling - To be referred to the Planning Committee.
(iii). Devolution - To be debated.
(iv). Flooding in Moreton - To be debated.
(v). Supporting Wirral’s Part in Our Nuclear Industries - To be referred to the Regeneration and Environment Policy and Performance Committee.
(vi). Wirral’s Successful Businesses - To be debated.
(vii). Syrian Refugee Crisis - To be debated.
Prior to the first debate it was moved by Councillor Bill Davies and seconded by Councillor Phil Davies, that –
“Standing Order 5(4) be suspended and Labour motion (vii) be dealt with first followed by the Conservative Motions.”
Councillor Chris Blakeley requested that the Conservative motions be dealt with in the following order, (vi), (iv) and (iii).
This was agreed unanimously
On a motion by Councillor Bill Davies, duly seconded it was agreed that,
“Standing Order 9 be applied at 8.45pm.”
Councillor Jean Stapleton declared a personal interest in agenda item 11(vi) – Notice of Motion – ‘Wirral’s Successful Businesses’ by virtue of her son working for one of the businesses referred to in the motion. |
Motion - Syrian Refugee Crisis Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Phil Davies Seconded by Councillor Ann McLachlan
Whilst Council welcomes a national response to the placement of Syrian refugees and will work with authorities across the Liverpool City Region to respond to this humanitarian crisis, we call on the Government to fully fund the costs of resettlement in the long term and not just for one year. Further, that the necessary infrastructure is put in place to ensure that already over-stretched and under-funded Council services can deliver a proper resettlement programme to ensure that refugees and their families can integrate into our Communities with the enabling support they will require.
An amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell
Insert at end:
Council recognises the recent progress reported by the Local Government Association in addressing these and other concerns.
Council notes that, according to the LGA:
A. the Government has agreed that there will be funding beyond 12 months for each refugee within the scheme.
B. Government also understands the need for full funding to minimise any impact on local services.
C. in the expanded scheme, there will be additional funding for refugees beyond the first 12 months and we understand this will not be taken from the overall council allocation.
And that the LGA is seeking confirmation that:
· these arrangements will be applied to all cases since the 20,000 expansion was announced so councils which come forward early will not be disadvantaged.
· refugees arriving in the first months of this scheme are unlikely to include unaccompanied children. We are in separate discussions with the Home Office and DfE to develop a fairer national scheme for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.
Council, therefore, requests the Leader to work with the LGA to address any additional local concerns so that Wirral can play its part in helping.
Following a debate and Councillor Phil Davies having waived his right of reply, the amendment was put and carried (58:0).
The substantive motion, as amended, was put and carried (58:0).
Resolved (58:0) -
Whilst Council welcomes a national response to the placement of Syrian refugees and will work with authorities across the Liverpool City Region to respond to this humanitarian crisis, we call on the Government to fully fund the costs of resettlement in the long term and not just for one year. Further, that the necessary infrastructure is put in place to ensure that already over-stretched and under-funded Council services can deliver a proper resettlement programme to ensure that refugees and their families can integrate into our Communities with the enabling support they will require.
Council recognises the recent progress reported by the Local Government Association in addressing these and other concerns.
Council notes that, according to the LGA:
A. the Government has agreed that there will be funding beyond 12 months for each refugee within the scheme.
B. Government also understands the need for full funding to ... view the full minutes text for item 60. |
Motion - Wirral's Successful Businesses Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Jeff Green Seconded by Councillor Lesley Rennie
Council notes the following key national growth statistics:
· GDP growth: 0.7 per cent in Quarter 2 2015. Growth in Q1 2015 was 0.4 per cent. · Employment up 354,000 on the year. There are now 31.03 million people in work.
Council realises that a growing economy means more businesses, creating more good jobs – which means more families with the security of a regular pay packet.
With Britain growing faster than any other major advanced economy, and wages rising at the fastest rate since 2007, it’s clear that the Government’s economic plan is delivering security for families across Britain.
Council further notes that many Wirral businesses are benefitting from the improving economic outlook and reporting growth and expansion. These include:
· Apollo Care, a care company set up by a former Council employee who took early voluntary redundancy in 2011. With initial guidance from Invest Wirral in just 4 years Apollo Care has franchised and employs over 50 people.
· Sovex, the Prenton-based materials handling specialist is the fastest growing company on Merseyside and was listed number 82 in the 2014 Virgin Sunday Times Fast Track Top 100. It recently announced it was expanding into the American market.
· Recruit Right, an industrial and commercial recruitment agency, who have seen their highest ever numbers of temp placements rise from 260 to 409 per week in September. The company started in 2012 and has recently announced a further 4 permanent employees have joined their team.
· Daisy and Jake Nurseries who will be opening their fifth nursery at a new site in Woodchurch shortly following the successes of their operations in Spital, Moreton, Irby and Prenton.
· Park Group plc announced at its AGM in September that sales are 15% ahead of the same period last year.
· Progress to Excellence, who recently moved its HQ operation into the newly refurbished Pacific Road Business Hub, has acquired Education and Youth Services Ltd to extend their training offer across the spectrum of lifelong learning.
· The Contact Company who will be expanding their operation into the Tower Wharf building, a development made possible by Homes and Communities Agency funding.
· Elegant Steps, which has grown from operating from the owner’s house, to a small village shop in Oxton, to an international company with a large warehouse shipping all over the world.
Council acknowledges that this is just a small snapshot of the commercial successes in Wirral and wishes to place on record its thanks and admiration for all Wirral’s workers, entrepreneurs and business owners for their contribution to growing the British economy,
Furthermore the whole Council welcomes the success of the Government’s economic plan and calls on the Leader of the Council to ensure effective co-operation with Her Majesty’s Government to lock in and increase Wirral residents’ prosperity.
With the agreement of the Council two amendments on this motion were withdrawn and with Council agreeing to suspend Standing Orders 12(1) and (9), a composite amendment was circulated around the Chamber for ... view the full minutes text for item 61. |
Motion - Flooding in Moreton Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Chris Blakeley Seconded by Councillor Steve Williams
This Council:
· Recognises the seriousness of the recent flooding to many homes of residents in Moreton and Saughall Massie and to a lesser extent other areas of Wirral. · Recognises that homes have been damaged due to these flood waters and debris. · Recognises that people look to this council to work with other agencies to minimise the risk from flood waters and accumulation of debris. · Thanks those agencies that worked to mitigate the effect of the floods for residents.
Council resolves:
· To establish a Working Group including all relevant agencies, including the Environment Agency, United Utilities, Meteorological Office, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, Registered Social Landlords, Merseyside Police and Senior Officers to bring forward a co-ordinated approach to flood risk, flood defence, flood conveyance and flood prevention. · To task the Working Group to review current plans, procedures and strategies to ensure that is future proofed and aligned with existing and planned regeneration, flood defence and flood conveyance measures. · To ensure a clear and transparent plan, accessible to all, for dealing with floods.
An amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Proposed by Councillor Bernie Mooney Seconded by Councillor Anita Leech
Add the following:
Council recognizes that all of the issues covered in this motion have already been implemented and that following the severe flooding event in Moreton the Council, as the Lead Local Flood Authority, was duty bound under the relevant legislation to initiate a full and extensive investigation involving all relevant parties. This process was initiated immediately following the flood and two of the local Councillors attended a briefing where they were informed of the actions taken.
Council wishes to acknowledge and thank the residents of Moreton for all their hard work and support during and after the event and would also like to thank the Environment Agency, United Utilities, Fire Brigade and Police. Council also thanks Magenta Housing and other private landlords for their efficiency in evacuating and rehousing their tenants, Biffa for supplying extra teams at the weekend and all Council staff for their dedication in helping people to clean up the area, find replacement accommodation and taking action to ensure that tenants could live safely.
Having applied the guillotine in accordance with Standing Order 9 the Council did not debate this matter.
The amendment was put and carried (38:18) (One abstention).
The substantive motion, as amended was put and carried (38:18) (One abstention).
Resolved (38:18) (One abstention) –
This Council:
· Recognises the seriousness of the recent flooding to many homes of residents in Moreton and Saughall Massie and to a lesser extent other areas of Wirral. · Recognises that homes have been damaged due to these flood waters and debris. · Recognises that people look to this council to work with other agencies to minimise the risk from flood waters and accumulation of debris. · Thanks those agencies that worked to mitigate the effect of ... view the full minutes text for item 62. |
Motion - Devolution Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Jeff Green Seconded by Councillor Lesley Rennie
Council welcomes the submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review 2015 of the Potential Devolution of Powers for the City Region following the Combined Authority meeting held on 2nd September 2015.
Council is therefore somewhat perplexed that the Leader of the Council and 40 of his Labour colleagues voted against the Conservative Notice of Motion ‘The Northern Powerhouse’ at the Council meeting held on 6th July 2015.
Council notes within The Northern Powerhouse Notice of Motion it was recommended that “the Leader of the Council advises the next meeting of the Combined Authority to engage enthusiastically in the development of the Northern Powerhouse; provide clarity to this Council about the details of any devolution of power and budget it is seeking from the Government and confirm its support for a directly elected Metro Mayor.”
Council is unsure what caused such a rapid turnaround by the Leader of the Council and his Labour colleagues but expresses its support for this change of direction and endorsement of Conservative Government Policy.
An amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell
Delete all after first paragraph and insert:
"Council considers it essential that all Members are kept fully informed regarding the discussions taking place, especially around the direction of progress and sticking points.
Council requests the Leader to ensure that all Members receive a detailed briefing on the progress, with options on the checks and balances for any new structure, with a view to making an informed decision in a timely manner."
Having applied the guillotine in accordance with Standing Order 9 the Council did not debate this matter.
The amendment was put and carried (38:18) (One abstention).
The substantive motion, as amended was put and carried (37:18) (Two abstentions).
Resolved (37:18) (Two abstentions) –
Council welcomes the submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review 2015 of the Potential Devolution of Powers for the City Region following the Combined Authority meeting held on 2nd September 2015.
Council considers it essential that all Members are kept fully informed regarding the discussions taking place, especially around the direction of progress and sticking points.
Council requests the Leader to ensure that all Members receive a detailed briefing on the progress, with options on the checks and balances for any new structure, with a view to making an informed decision in a timely manner. |
VACANCIES To receive nominations, in accordance with Standing Order 25(6), in respect of any proposed changes in the membership of committees, and to approve nominations for appointments to outside organisations.
Birkenhead Sixth Form College Governing Body Councillor Denise Roberts – to be re-appointed until 31st October 2019
Minutes: The Council was requested to deal with the following matter in respect of appointments to outside organisations.
Councillor Denise Roberts to be re-appointed to the Birkenhead Sixth Form College Governing Body for a further four year term.
Resolved – That Councillor Denise Roberts be re-appointed to the Birkenhead Sixth Form College Governing Body until 31 October, 2019. |