Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Wallasey Town Hall. View directions

No. Item



To receive the Mayor's announcements and any apologies for absence.


The Mayor welcomed Jessica Yung, Wirral’s Young Poet Laureate, and invited her to give a poetry reading before the start of the meeting. Jade Chen read a poem in Mandarin Chinese.



The members of the Council are invited to consider whether they have a personal or prejudicial interest, or statutory restriction on voting*, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest or restriction.


* A letter from the Director of Law, HR and Asset Management explaining the restrictions imposed by section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 has been circulated to all Members of the Council.


The members of the Council were invited to consider whether they had a personal or prejudicial interest in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at the meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest. The following declarations were made:


Councillor A Jones declared a personal interest in the Budget (Cabinet minute 232) by virtue of his former Chairmanship of the Allandale Youth Club.


Councillor K Wood (Budget Proposals) by virtue of her being a pensioner householder.


Councillors J Green, A Jennings, A McLachlan, B Kenny, S Williams and L Rowlands, each declared a personal interest in the Schools Budget element of the Budget by virtue of a family member’s employment with the authority.



To receive petitions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 21.


In accordance with Standing order 21, the Mayor received a petition submitted by Councillor J George on behalf of 300 signatories objecting to a proposed parking restriction in Commonfield Road, Woodchurch.


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To receive as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15 February 2010.


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2010 had been circulated to members and it was:-


Resolved – That the minutes be approved and adopted as a correct record.



On a motion by the Leader of the Council, to approve recommendations from the Cabinet meeting held on 22 February 2010 (to follow), subject to consideration of any amendments received in accordance with Standing Order 7(2) or Standing Order 13 (Budget Council Procedure) - see item 6 below.


If the proposed budget is amended, wholly or partly, that will be regarded as an in-principle decision, which will automatically come into effect five working days from the date of that decision, unless the Leader of the Council informs the Director of Law, H.R. and Asset Management in writing within that time that he objects to the decision becoming effective and provides reasons why.  In that case, the Director of Law, H.R. and Asset Management will call another meeting of the Council within a further five days (for which a reserve date has been set, namely 10 March). The Council will then be required to reconsider its decision, and the Leader’s written submission.  At that second meeting the Council can:


(i)  accept the Cabinet’s recommendation, without amendment or objection; or

(ii)  approve a different decision which does not accord with the recommendation of the Cabinet


by a simple majority of votes cast at the meeting.


A copy of the Estimates for 2010/11 is attached but has been circulated separately to members of the Council.


Additional documents:


In accordance with Standing Order 13 (Budget Council Procedure), Councillor S Foulkes, Leader of the Council, moved the Cabinet’s Budget recommendations duly seconded by Councillor S Holbrook, Deputy Leader, with any additional paragraphs (those relating to precepts), and any other minutes from the Cabinet meeting on 22 February, 2010 that required approval by the Council. The following minutes were deemed to be approved, subject to consideration of the Conservative Group Budget Proposal which was received in accordance with Standing Order 7(2) (see minute 118 post).


(1) Minute 332 (Cabinet – 22.02.2010) Budget 2010-11


The Director of Finance presented the draft revenue estimates for 2010/11. A decision was required to enable recommendations to be made to the Council concerning the budget and Council Tax for 2010/11. This involved a key decision on the matter forming part of the budget and policy framework and it had been included in the Forward Plan.


The Leader of the Council submitted and commented on a motion which set out the budget proposals of the joint administration. He informed that the Council Tax rise in Wirral resulting from these proposals would be 1.29%, which would give an overall Tax of 1.67% when the precepts were included, and therefore a below-inflation increase, with the January RPI figures running at 3.7%. He went on to pay tribute to Cabinet Members and officers for their hard work in supporting the budgetary process.


The Leader reported that under the proposed budget there would be no Council Tax increase for pensioner households over 75 years of age and that for the Financial Year 2010/11 the Council would ensure that no pensioner household over 75 would have any increase in Council Tax liability, including the consequences of any police and fire increases. This applied where:


·  the Council Tax payer paid Council Tax in Wirral as their main home and all individuals in the household that were counted as resident for Council Tax purposes were aged 75 or over on 1 April 2010 (but where the qualifying age criterion was met after 1 April 2010 eligibility would be effective from the date of birth only);


·  this reduction would be calculated after deduction of all other Council Tax discounts and reliefs;


·  application must be made for the reduction where it was not currently in payment of the potential claimant was not in receipt of Council Tax Benefit; and


·  no pensioner household in receipt of full Council Tax Benefit would qualify for the reduction.


In seconding the motion and endorsing the Leader’s remarks, the Deputy Leader of the Council informed that this was a positive budget, focussed on the future.


Resolved – That


(1)  Investing In Wirral’s Future


A Budget for Jobs, the Environment and Safer, Stronger Communities


As we emerge from the worst recession since the Second World War, the economic recovery is fragile and expected to be long and slow. The country also faces unprecedented levels of debt in the public finances.


This is a time when many people are being  ...  view the full minutes text for item 117.



Pursuant to Standing Order 5(1)(m), and in accordance with Standing Order 5(3), to consider any objections or amendments to minutes submitted under Standing Orders 7(2) and 13.


The Cabinet has been asked to agree a procedure for the Council meeting that envisages one debate on the Budget.

Additional documents:




Proposed by Councillor Green


Seconded by Councillor Rennie


(1)  That the revenue estimates for 20010/11, now submitted to Council, be approved, subject to the amendments in paragraphs (3) and (4) below.


(2)  It be noted that this budget proposal is based on the belief that:


As council tax payers have no choice but to pay the level of council tax imposed upon them, the Council should do all it can to keep council tax levels as low as possible. Council recognises that this is important to Wirral residents, particularly those on fixed incomes who have seen returns from a life time of savings reduced, and are also faced with increases in household bills generally and increasing national taxes.


That the public deserve to be assured that when Council Officers are making spending choices they are aware that ‘every pound matters’


That the Council can and should take the lead to work with other organisations in the wider Wirral public sector to ensure that duplication is reduced, best practice shared and that the public of Wirral are well served.


Wirral deserves a Council that is aware of resident’s needs, listens to the public’s views and is inclusive in its decision making.


Our Council should ensure that no part of Wirral is ignored and that residents, community groups and businesses are consulted regarding the type of Wirral they want to live in, by having their comments fully considered, evaluated and responded to.


This Conservative Group budget amendment therefore proposes NO increase on the 2009 -2010 level of Wirral Council Tax and an overall increase of only 0.55% when precepts are included.


It is further noted that this approach will mean £1,680,000 stays with Wirral residents and families to save or spend strengthening our local economy, creating and protecting jobs.


This budget preserves the Zero Council Tax increase for Pensioner Households over 75. However, by setting a budget increase at this level £140,000 of the £465,000 in the growth is released. Overall this represents around a 6% discount on Council tax bills.


(3)  Amendments


Increased expenditure


Resident Insight, Consultation and Direct Democracy  £180,000


Enhancing Well Being pilot  £20,000


This pilot programme is to support those community groups that make significant contributions to their community but may be experiencing temporary financial hardship.


For clarity the Allendale Centre to be the first ‘enhancing well being’ pilot


Integrating the work of public sector agencies across Wirral  £50,000


This sum is being made available to support the development of ideas and initiatives in relation to collaboration and shared services between the Council and its key public service partners working principally within the Borough


Supporting Local Businesses Fund  £250,000


The impending increased business rates will place additional burdens on small businesses and could put their viability in doubt. This fund will allow businesses to apply for one year Grant Support during 2010 – 2011.


Wirral Parks ASB Response Squad  £150,000


This investment will provide for a parks team, initially within the Community  ...  view the full minutes text for item 118.



To receive nominations, in accordance with Standing Order 25(5), in respect of any proposed changes in the membership of the Cabinet and committees, and to approve nominations for appointments to outside organisations.


There were no nominations to vacancies submitted.