Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Wallasey Town Hall
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes' Silence Minutes: The Civic Mayor referred to the recent terrorist attacks at the Manchester Arena, London Bridge and Borough Market, London and Finsbury Park Mosque, London and the Council stood for a minute’s silence in tribute to the memory of those who had lost their lives.
The Civic Mayor then referred to the recent passing of Alderman Peter Corcoran, former Mayor of Wirral, 1993/94, and the Council stood for a minute’s silence in tribute to his memory. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.
CIVIC MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive the Civic Mayor's announcements and any apologies for absence.
Minutes: The Civic Mayor noted that apologies had been received from Councillors Jeff Green, John Hale, Moira McLaughlin, Tony Norbury and Joe Walsh.
The Civic Mayor informed the Council that she would be abstaining from voting in any of the debates during her term of office.
The Civic Mayor informed the meeting that the Leader was suggesting a change to the order of Notices of Motion.
The Leader informed the Council that there were a large number of residents in attendance for the motion on New Ferry and proposed that the motions ‘Ending Austerity’ and ‘Support for New Ferry’ be switched. The motion having been seconded by Councillor George Davies was then agreed unanimously.
The Civic Mayor informed the meeting that there would be a large civic event on Friday, 15 September, 2017 when the Freedom of the Borough would be awarded posthumously to the 96 Liverpool Football Club fans who had lost their lives at Hillsborough and she hoped that as many Members as possible would be able to be present for this Extraordinary Council meeting and event. A full programme of the events would be circulated as soon as arrangements had been finalised.
The Civic Mayor also informed the Council that the Assistant Director: Law and Governance, Mr Surjit Tour was attending his last Council meeting after over 7 years with the Council and would be leaving to take up a position at Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. On behalf of the Council she thanked him for his service to Wirral and wished him well in his new appointment.
The Civic Mayor reminded the Council that she would be adhering to the time limits for speeches. |
To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 15 and 16 May, 2017 (Annual Council). Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Annual Council held on 15 and 16 May, 2017 had been circulated to Members and it was –
Resolved – That the minutes be approved and adopted as a correct record. |
PETITIONS To receive petitions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 21. Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 21, the Mayor received petitions submitted by –
(i). Councillor Mike Sullivan on behalf of 46 residents of Wimborne Avenue, Thingwall requesting resurfacing of the road and walkways.
(ii). Councillor Chris Carubia on behalf of 36 residents objecting to a retrospective planning application for a pigeon coop in the grounds of Highbury, Crossdale Road, Eastham.
(iii). Councillor Alan Brighouse on behalf of 30 residents concerned at repeated flooding of the footpath from 5-31 Holm Lane, Oxton.
(iv). Councillor Pat Cleary on behalf of 75 residents concerned regarding the state of the open land bordered by Conway Street, Simpson Street and Parkfield Avenue, Birkenhead.
(v). Councillor Chris Blakeley on behalf of:
(a) 4,034 residents objecting to Planning application 17/00306 – Saughall Massie Road, Saughall Massie. (b) 239 residents objecting to Planning application OUT/17/00598 – former Garden Hey Nurseries, Garden Hey Road, Saughall Massie. (c) 1,195 residents objecting to parking charges at Wirral Country Parks.
Resolved – That the petitions be noted and referred to the appropriate Chief Officer in accordance with Standing Order 34. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS To deal with questions from members of the public, in accordance with Appendix 1 to Standing Orders – up to 30 minutes.
Minutes: Mr J Brace, having given the appropriate notice in accordance with Standing Order 11, submitted a question on the subject of facilities for filming at Council meetings.
Councillor Paul Stuart, Vice-Chair for Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee, responded accordingly.
Mr Brace waived his right to ask a supplementary question. |
LEADER'S, EXECUTIVE MEMBERS' AND CHAIRS REPORTS PDF 81 KB Attached is the Wirral Plan Annual Report 2016/17.
Also attached is the Statutory Scrutiny Officer’s, ‘Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2016/17’.
To receive questions and answers on these reports in accordance with Standing Orders 10(2)(a) and 11. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor introduced the Wirral Plan Annual report and Overview and Scrutiny Annual report. The Leader spoke to the Wirral Annual Plan Report and highlighted the improvements and progress that had been achieved since the Plan had been created. He paid tribute to all Council staff and the Council’s partners who had helped deliver on the pledges so far and acknowledged that there were still many challenges ahead and asked that the Council note the report.
The Mayor then invited questions to Cabinet Members on the report.
In response to a question from Councillor Ian Lewis, Councillor George Davies’ commented that the Homelessness and Housing options team had intervened to prevent 1291 households becoming homeless. He accepted the point made that the Council had been unsuccessful in its bid to the Government’s £40m homelessness prevention programme but stated that the Council would make a further bid.
Councillors Clements and Blakeley asked questions of the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health and in response, Councillor Chris Jones’ comments included the following:
· She would be delighted to be involved in helping in anyway where people had lost loved ones and the Government’s consultation on the Social Fund’s Funeral expenses payments. · She had responded by email to Councillor Blakeley and knew that every effort was being made to keep residents safe at the new Tollemache Road facility. She acknowledged that the incident which had occurred on Friday night when the electronic gates had been left open was due to human error. Councillor Jones expressed disappointment that so few Members had been to the open days for the facility, which was not just equal to but better than the previous facility, with every resident having a single ensuite room. Staff were being retrained in accordance with CQC best practice.
Responding to questions from Councillor Stuart Kelly and David Burgess-Joyce, the Cabinet Member for Delivering Differently, Councillor Chris Spriggs’ comments included:
· She would provide a more detailed written response but a commitment to arts and culture were threaded through the Annual report and the Council was working closely with the Williamson Art Gallery Friends group to ensure their views were taken on board. · Although she had only been in the role for a few months she had already talked to many stakeholders involved in arts and culture on Wirral and she would be able to provide a list as soon as she could. The Wirral Chamber of Commerce had held an event at which there had been many attendees from the creative sector and she had spoken at an event in June at the Williamson Art Gallery at which there were more than 100 artists present. There would be further events in the coming months.
Responding to questions from Councillors Stuart Kelly and Andrew Hodson, the Leader of the Council, Councillor Phil Davies’ comments included:
· He did not regret the change of tack with regard to proposals for Birkenhead Town Centre, the Council had to move away from the old fashioned way of ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
MEMBERS' QUESTIONS To consider Members’ general questions to the Civic Mayor, Executive or Committee Chair in accordance with Standing Orders 10 (2)(b) and 11.
Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 10(2) the Council had been advised of three questions.
Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked two questions of the Leader of the Council, one concerning the number of and payments to interim officers and the second concerning the sale of land at Acre Lane, Bromborough. Councillor Phil Davies replied accordingly.
Councillor Tracey Pilgrim asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Income Generation in relation to Council Tax exemption for the severely mentally impaired and those who had been diagnosed with dementia. Councillor Janette Williamson replied accordingly. |
MATTERS REFERRED FROM OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEES OR OTHER COUNCIL COMMITTEES PDF 117 KB To consider and determine any references from the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and any other Council Committees.
The minutes of the former People Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 23 March, 2017 are attached to the supplement for approval following the changes to scrutiny arrangements and the need for final sign off. Minutes: The minutes of the former People Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 23 March, 2017 were submitted for final sign-off in light of the recent changes to scrutiny arrangements.
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was –
Resolved (60:0) (One abstention) – That the minutes of the former People Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 23 March, 2017, be approved. |
VACANCIES To receive nominations, in accordance with Standing Order 25(6), in respect of any proposed changes in the membership of committees, and to approve nominations for appointments to outside organisations.
Environment Overview and Scrutiny Councillor Tony Smith to replace Councillor Joe Walsh
Outside Bodies
Merseyside Police and Crime Panel Councillor Tony Smith to replace Councillor George Davies
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Scrutiny Panel
In addition to the two Labour Members appointed by Council on 16 May, and following the Annual Meeting of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority on 26 May, the Council is requested to confirm the appointment of a Conservative representative on the Scrutiny Panel, Councillor Tom Anderson.
Merseyside Society for the Deaf Vacancy to replace Councillor David Elderton Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 25(6) the Council was requested to deal with the following matters in respect of the membership of committees and appointments to outside organisations.
Environment Overview and Scrutiny Councillor Tony Smith to replace Councillor Joe Walsh.
Merseyside Police and Crime Panel Councillor Tony Smith to replace Councillor George Davies.
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Scrutiny Panel Councillor Tom Anderson to be appointed as the Council’s Conservative representative on the Scrutiny Panel.
Merseyside Society for the Deaf Councillor David Burgess-Joyce to replace Councillor David Elderton.
Resolved – That the above appointments be approved. |
To consider any recommendations of the Executive or Council Committees which require the approval or consideration of the Council.
A. Licensing Act 2003 Committee – 15 March, 2017
Special Cumulative Impact Policy (Minute 14 and Statement of Licensing Policy attached) The Council is recommended to approve an amendment to the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy to include a Special Cumulative Impact Policy for the specified area in Birkenhead as identified by Merseyside Police.
B. Employment and Appointments Committee – 27 June, 2017
Recruitment to Chief Officer Posts and Structure Changes (Minute 3, the report of the Chief Executive and the relevant appendix are attached)
The Council is recommended to:
(1) Delegate authority to the Employment and Appointments Committee and its Appointment Panels to formally agree and confirm the appointment of all the posts specified in paragraph 2.2 of the report.
(2) Amend the Council’s Chief Officer pay scales, as set out in the Council’s Pay Policy, to incorporate the proposed salary for the Director for Children’s Services post.
C. Delegated Decision
Local Wildlife Sites Decision of Leader of the Council taken on 26 June, 2017 (decision and report attached)
The Council is recommended to:
(1) Adopt the modified terms of reference for the Wirral Local Sites Partnership and Local Wildlife Site assessment procedures (Appendix 1 of the report); and sections 2 (Habitat criteria) and 3 (Species criteria) of the Local Wildlife Sites Selection Criteria for the Cheshire region (Appendix 2 of the report) as the basis for the future selection of Local Wildlife Sites in Wirral; and;
(2) Adopt the revisions to the current schedule of Sites of Biological Importance (Appendix 3 of the report) as a material consideration for use by Planning Committee in the determination of individual planning applications.
Council is requested to approve interim appointments in respect of statutory officers (details to follow in the Council supplement).
The following matters, determined by the Cabinet and a Council Committee are drawn to the Council’s attention in accordance with the Constitution (a copy of the related reports can be provided for Council members on request).
D. Cabinet – 26 June, 2017
Financial Monitoring Out-turn Reports for 2016/17 (minute 16 attached)
E. Audit and Risk Management Committee – 12 June, 2017
Audit and Risk Management Committee Annual Report 2016/17 (minute 7 attached). Additional documents:
Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 5(2) six matters had been submitted for approval or consideration by the Council (see minutes 28 to 33 post). |
Special Cumulative Impact Policy Minutes: The first matter requiring approval was an amendment to the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy to include a Special Cumulative Impact Policy for a specified area in Birkenhead as identified by Merseyside Police, as recommended by the Licensing Act 2003 Committee of 15 March, 2017 (minute 14 refers).
On a motion by Councillor Bill Davies, seconded by Councillor Chris Meaden, it was –
Resolved – That the recommendations contained within Minute 14 of the Licensing Act 2003 Committee, be agreed. |
Recruitment to Chief Officer Posts and Structure Changes Minutes: The second matter requiring approval was in relation to recruitment to Chief Officer posts and structure changes as considered and recommended by the Employment and Appointments Committee at its meeting on 27 June, 2017 (minute 3 refers).
The motion was formally moved and seconded by Councillors Phil Davies and George Davies.
Two amendments, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting were submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Amendment 1
Proposed by Councillor Leslie Rennie Seconded by Councillor Chris Blakeley
“The Conservative Group do not support the premise that any officer of this Council is paid more than the Prime Minister.
We also believe that any restructure of the senior leadership team of this Council should result in a reduction in the number of Chief Officers and a decrease in costs to the Taxpayers. The net effect of all the recommendations voted through by Labour Councillors at the Employment and Appointments Committee on the 27th June 2017 is the retention of the same number of Chief Officer posts and additional costs to the Taxpayer of £120,284.
We therefore propose the following amendment:
(2) Amend the Council’s Chief Officer pay scales, as set out in the Council’s Pay Policy, to incorporate a maximum cap on the proposed salary for the Director for Children’s Services which is less than the Prime Minister’s salary.
(3) Request the Chief Executive to scrap/reconsider his proposal to create a new Director for Strategy and Partnerships (salary £103,606-115,117 plus employer costs).”
Amendment 2
Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist Seconded by Councillor Alan Brighouse
“Delete section (2) and replace with:
Council believes that the Employment and Appointments Committee should rethink its approach on the issue of increasing the highest salaries to attract senior officers. Council, therefore, declines to accede to the request for the scale for the Director of Children at SD2 with the suggested range £140-£155K.
Council is also concerned at the pattern that has emerged in recent years. This may reflect the experience of some councils but the system has resulted in a veritable pageant of interims on substantial daily rates.
Council regrets that the promised ‘new leadership behaviours and expectations’ set out in the Corporate Plan 2013-2016 failed to bring results in key areas. Council recalls this promise that ‘a new Performance Appraisal and Development programme has commenced which starts with the Chief Executive, Strategic Directors, Directors and Heads of Service’ but this, apparently, did not address the structural issues at the most senior levels.”
Following a debate and Councillor Phil Davies having replied, a vote was taken on amendment 2.
The amendment was put and lost (25:35) (One abstention).
Amendment 1 was then put and prior to the vote being taken Councillor Blakeley and five Conservative Members rose to request a ‘card vote’.
A ‘card vote’ was then taken on amendment 1 and the Council divided as follows:
For the amendment (24) Councillors T Anderson, B Berry, C Blakeley, E Boult, A Brighouse, D Burgess-Joyce, C Carubia, ... view the full minutes text for item 29. |
Local Wildlife Sites Minutes: The third matter requiring approval was in relation to Local Wildlife Sites and the recommendations contained in the Leader of the Council’s delegated decision of 26 June, 2017.
The motion was formally moved and seconded by Councillors Phill Brightmore and Phil Davies.
One amendment, which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Proposed by Councillor Geoffrey Watt Seconded by Councillor David Elderton
“The Conservative Group believe several sites of biological importance have not been included on the list of local wildlife sites therefore:
Add the following recommendation:
(3) Expedite the necessary requirements so that the following sites can be considered for inclusion in the Schedule as a matter of urgency: Gilroy Scrape, Hoylake Langfields and the Gilroy Nature Reserve.”
Following speeches from the mover and seconder of the amendment and Councillor Phill Brightmore having replied, the amendment was put and lost (25:35) (One abstention).
The motion was put and carried (60:0) (One abstention).
Resolved (60:0) (One abstention) – That the recommendations contained within the delegated decision of the Leader of the Council, be approved as follows:
(1) The modified terms of reference for the Wirral Local Sites Partnership and Local Wildlife Site assessment procedures (Appendix 1 of the report); and sections 2 (Habitat criteria) and 3 (Species criteria) of the Local Wildlife Sites Selection Criteria for the Cheshire region (Appendix 2 of the report) as the basis for the future selection of Local Wildlife Sites in Wirral, be adopted, and;
(2) The revisions to the current schedule of Sites of Biological Importance (Appendix 3 of the report) be adopted as a material consideration for use by Planning Committee in the determination of individual planning applications. |
Statutory Officers Interim Appointments Minutes: The fourth matter requiring approval was interim appointments in respect of statutory officer posts.
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was –
Resolved (60:0) (One abstention) – That the following temporary / interim appointments be approved:
· David Armstrong as Acting Senior Information Risk Officer (SIRO) with effect from 29 July, 2017. · Helen Seechurn (Interim Strategic Finance Support) as Deputy Section 151 Officer with effect from 18 July, 2017. · Philip McCourt (Interim Assistant Director: Law and Governance) as Acting Monitoring Officer with effect from 4 September, 2017. |
Financial Monitoring Out-turn Reports for 2016/17 Minutes: The fifth matter requiring consideration by the Council was in relation to Financial Monitoring Out-turn reports for 2016/17.
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was –
Resolved (60:0) (One abstention) – That minute 16 of Cabinet (26 June, 2017) - Financial Monitoring Out-turn reports for 2016/17, be noted. |
Audit and Risk Management Committee Annual Report 2016/17 Minutes: The sixth matter requiring consideration by the Council was in relation to the Audit and Risk Management Committee Annual Report 2016/17.
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor Bernie Mooney, it was –
Resolved (60:0) (One abstention) – That minute 7 of Audit and Risk and Management Committee (12 June, 2017) - Audit and Risk Management Committee Annual Report 2016/17, be noted. |
Notices of motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(1), are attached. They are listed in accordance with Standing Order 7(2), and the full text of each motion is attached. The Mayor, having considered each motion, in accordance with Standing Order 7(4) has decided that they will be dealt with as follows:
(i). ENDING AUSTERITY To be debated.
(ii). TENANCY FEES To be debated.
(iv). SUPPORT FOR NEW FERRY To be debated.
(vi). GRENFELL TOWER DISASTER To be debated.
(vii). FAIR VOTES To be referred to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(1) were reported to the Council. The Civic Mayor having considered each motion, in accordance with Standing Order 7(4) had decided that they would be dealt with as follows:
(i). Ending Austerity To be debated.
(ii). Tenancy Fees To be debated.
(iii). Loss of Social Housing to Bamboo Lettings LLP To be debated.
(iv). Support for New Ferry To be debated.
(v). Securing Our Economy In An Uncertain World To be debated.
(vi). Grenfell Tower Disaster To be debated.
(vii). Fair Votes To be referred to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Resolved – That the Notice of Motion, ‘Fair Votes’, be referred to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee. |
MOTION - SUPPORT FOR NEW FERRY Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Warren Ward Seconded by Councillor Phil Davies
“Following the devastating explosion in New Ferry, hundreds of Wirral residents and businesses have been affected. Residents’ homes have been destroyed or badly damaged and local businesses have had to close, forcing many local people into unemployment, along with hundreds of residents who were injured, including the tragic case of a 21 year-old man who almost lost his life.
On behalf of the people of New Ferry and Port Sunlight, this Council agrees to write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and also the Prime Minister to urge the government to provide New Ferry with urgent financial support and to meet with community leaders and residents affected on site in New Ferry for them to see first-hand the absolute devastation caused by the explosion.”
One amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Proposed by Councillor Adam Sykes Seconded by Councillor Tracey Pilgrim
“Insert after paragraph 1
Council would like to put on record its thanks for the hard work of our officers, led by David Ball, and the community of New Ferry, involved in supporting the area, since the disaster, including those who have organised and donated to the appeals.
Renumbered Paragraph 3, delete all after ‘Prime Minister’ and insert:
with a costed recovery plan as requested by the Secretary of State and extends an invitation to the Secretary of State and the Prime Minister to visit New Ferry and meet with community leaders and residents affected by the devastating explosion on 25 March.
In the meantime, Council will urgently assess whether a formal application for emergency financial assistance under the Bellwin Scheme is required, supported by its reserves held for ‘emergencies and unforeseen circumstances’, and to assess whether individuals affected need assistance from the £770,000 held by the Council for ‘Support and Assistance to Public in Need’.”
Following a debate and Councillor Warren Ward having replied, the amendment was put and lost (24:36) (One abstention).
The motion was put and carried (60:0) (One abstention).
Resolved (60:0) (One abstention) -
Following the devastating explosion in New Ferry, hundreds of Wirral residents and businesses have been affected. Residents’ homes have been destroyed or badly damaged and local businesses have had to close, forcing many local people into unemployment, along with hundreds of residents who were injured, including the tragic case of a 21 year-old man who almost lost his life.
On behalf of the people of New Ferry and Port Sunlight, this Council agrees to write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and also the Prime Minister to urge the government to provide New Ferry with urgent financial support and to meet with community leaders and residents affected on site in New Ferry for them to see first-hand the absolute devastation caused by the explosion.
The Civic Mayor then adjourned the meeting at 8.35pm whilst members of the ... view the full minutes text for item 35. |
PROCEDURAL MOTION Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Ron Abbey and seconded by Councillor Phil Davies, that –
“The next two housing related motions be debated as one item and the ‘Austerity’ motion and emergency motion on Kingsway Academy be debated prior to the guillotine coming into operation.”
It was moved by Councillor Chris Blakeley and seconded by Councillor Lesley Rennie, that -
“Standing Order 9(1) be suspended and Council debate all motions.”
The motion moved by Councillor Blakeley was put and lost (25:34) (One abstention).
Members then sought clarity on Councillor Abbey’s motion, the linking of motions and the implementation of the guillotine.
The Assistant Director: Law and Governance advised the Council that motions (ii) and (iii) were sufficiently distinct to be debated separately and this part of Councillor Abbey’s motion could not therefore be allowed.
Councillor Abbey then withdrew his original motion.
Councillor Blakeley again moved that Standing Order 9(1) be suspended and this was seconded by Councillor Andrew Hodson.
An amendment was then moved by Councillor Abbey, seconded by Councillor Phil Davies, that –
Standing Order 9(1) be suspended and motions (ii), (iii) and (i) be debated with the guillotine coming into effect after that.
The amendment was put and carried (35:25) (One abstention).
The substantive motion, as amended was then put and carried (35:25) (One abstention).
Resolved (35:25) (One abstention) – That Standing Order 9(1) be suspended and motions (ii), (iii) and (i) be debated with the guillotine coming into effect after that. |
MOTION - TENANCY FEES Minutes: Having previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item, Councillors David Burgess-Joyce, Steve Foulkes, Geoffrey Watt, Stuart Whittingham, Irene Williams and Steve Williams vacated the Council Chamber and did not take part in the voting thereon (minute 18 refers).
Proposed by Councillor Ian Lewis Seconded by Councillor Tom Anderson
“Council notes that people seeking affordable homes to rent are too often faced with unfair tenancy fees which prevent them from obtaining suitable accommodation or leaves them with additional debt and financial stress.
Council therefore welcomes proposals to make the private rental market more affordable by introducing a ban on landlords and agents from requiring tenants to make any payments as a condition of their tenancy with the exception of:
· the rent · a capped refundable security deposit · capped refundable holding deposit and tenant default fees
Council supports measures that will cap holding deposits at no more than one week’s rent and security deposits at no more than one month’s rent.
Council therefore urges existing registered social landlords, private landlords and the Private Landlords Forum to participate in pre-legislative consultation and to ensure changes to information, advice and guidance for tenants post legislation.”
One amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Proposed by Councillor George Davies Seconded by Councillor Adrian Jones
At the end add new paragraph:
“Council further notes the differences of ideology and intent in the “bedroom tax” approach of the Conservative-LibDem collaboration of 2010 – 15, during which fewer new homes were built than in any period since the early 1920s, and Labour’s “Secure Homes for all” general election manifesto-declaration for a massive programme of genuinely affordable house building.”
Following a debate and Councillor Ian Lewis having replied the amendment was put and carried (36:15) (One abstention).
The substantive motion, as amended was then put and carried (51:0) (One abstention).
Resolved (51:0) (One abstention) -
Council notes that people seeking affordable homes to rent are too often faced with unfair tenancy fees which prevent them from obtaining suitable accommodation or leaves them with additional debt and financial stress.
Council therefore welcomes proposals to make the private rental market more affordable by introducing a ban on landlords and agents from requiring tenants to make any payments as a condition of their tenancy with the exception of:
· the rent · a capped refundable security deposit · capped refundable holding deposit and tenant default fees
Council supports measures that will cap holding deposits at no more than one week’s rent and security deposits at no more than one month’s rent.
Council therefore urges existing registered social landlords, private landlords and the Private Landlords Forum to participate in pre-legislative consultation and to ensure changes to information, advice and guidance for tenants post legislation.
Council further notes the differences of ideology and intent in the “bedroom tax” approach of the Conservative-LibDem collaboration of 2010 – 15, during which fewer new homes were built than in any period since ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
MOTION - LOSS OF SOCIAL HOUSING TO BAMBOO LETTINGS LLP Minutes: Having previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item, Councillors Steve Foulkes, Tracey Pilgrim and Stuart Whittingham vacated the Council Chamber and did not take part in the voting thereon (minute 18 refers).
Proposed by Councillor Stuart Kelly Seconded by Councillor Chris Carubia
“Council notes the establishment of a private lettings company known as Bamboo Lettings LLP between Magenta Living and a housing organisation called Torus.
Council notes that Magenta are planning to transfer under a lease arrangement up to 100 social housing homes to Bamboo Lettings company for them to be let at full market rents.
Council notes that a three bedroom house offered for let by Bamboo in the Woodchurch area will cost a prospective tenant £137 per week against the social rent charged by Magenta of circa £97 per week in the same area (and against an ‘affordable’ rent level of £110).
In addition, Council is concerned that Bamboo Lettings also charge private sector style ‘fees’; an example of these fees for a three bedroom house in the Woodchurch area is:
· Application fee - £50 · Administration fee - £75 · Guarantor fee - £50 · Check out fee - £60 · Additional deposit for a pet - £100
Council believes that these fees are not linked to the service provided, are unacceptable and extortionate and requests a justification for this regime.
Council notes the Cabinet Member for Housing has told Magenta that Wirral Council would not want to see larger 4 bedroom accommodation, those for older people and those adapted properties being transferred; and has highlighted to Magenta concerns about a number of disposals occurring in the same popular locations, thus reducing availability of social housing stock.
Council notes that there are currently 9643 people registered on the Choice Based Lettings System, of which 2348 have a housing priority need.
Council has objections to the use of social housing in this way and requests (through the Council’s Managing Director for Delivery to Magenta Living) that the relationship with Torus/Bamboo be suspended to allow the Council the opportunity to fully investigate the use of social housing stock as de facto private rented houses.”
Following a debate and Councillor Stuart Kelly having replied, the motion was put and lost (23:32) (One abstention). |
MOTION - ENDING AUSTERITY Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Janette Williamson Seconded by Councillor Phil Davies
“The outcome of the general election on the 8th June has left the country in a position of even greater uncertainty than before it was called. The Prime Minister is scrabbling around to create deals and cooperation agreements with a political party on the far fringes of UK politics which has taken regressive stances on issues such as climate change, evolution, abortion and homosexuality. This is being done in a desperate bid to cling on to power, while residents in Wirral and elsewhere are unsure if vital services - NHS, police, fire, education and local authority services such as support for the elderly, the vulnerable and the young - will survive another dose of Tory austerity. And in the chaos created by the Conservatives, it is now unclear what funding will replace the withdrawal of the revenue support grant in 2020.
The outcome of the general election should send a clear message to the Conservatives that the overwhelming majority of residents of Wirral reject the austerity policies which have decimated local services over the past seven years. This Council agrees to write to the Prime Minister to urge her to abandon her government’s failed austerity agenda and commit to providing a fair funding formula that supports local authorities such as Wirral to deliver the vital public services local residents expect.”
One amendment which had been circulated in advance of the meeting was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(1) and (9), as follows:
Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell
Add after paragraph two:
“Council believes that the letter should also highlight the need for the end of the pay cap on public sector workers. Council recognises that Wirral’s workforce, along with others providing public services, has made substantial contributions and personal sacrifices in recent years.
Council welcomes the end of the Government’s silence on the issue of pay, observing the recent opinions given by some Ministers. Council, however, is concerned at that hasty riposte from the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Council believes that pay rises being funded by alleged efficiencies and savings will place further pressure on committed and hard working staff.
Council, therefore, asks that the Government should fully fund any pay deal in the settlement.”
Following a debate and Councillor Janette Williamson having replied, the amendment was put and carried (40:18) (One abstention).
The substantive motion, as amended, was then put and carried (40:18) (One abstention).
Resolved (40:18) (One abstention) –
The outcome of the general election on the 8th June has left the country in a position of even greater uncertainty than before it was called. The Prime Minister is scrabbling around to create deals and cooperation agreements with a political party on the far fringes of UK politics which has taken regressive stances on issues such as climate change, evolution, abortion and homosexuality. This is being done in a desperate bid to cling on to power, while residents in Wirral and elsewhere ... view the full minutes text for item 39. |
MOTION - SECURING OUR ECONOMY IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Phil Gilchrist Seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell
“Council notes that the Queen’s Speech included commitments to honour the process of Brexit as interpreted by the Government. In particular, it aspired to securing ‘the best possible deal’, building the ‘widest possible consensus’ for our future ‘outside the European union’, providing ‘certainty for individuals and businesses’ and ‘forging new trading relationships across the globe’.
Council also notes that, in his Mansion House speech, the Chancellor of the Exchequer placed his emphasis on ‘maintaining our strong trade links with European markets after we leave the EU, as well as seeking out new opportunities for trade and investment with old friends and fast growing emerging economies alike'.
Council is anxious, however, that the route to reaching these new arrangements is unlikely to be smooth and without difficulty and will have an impact on the national and Wirral economy. The Wirral economy benefits greatly from the presence of Vauxhalls. There is a real risk of administrative barriers, paperwork and tariffs affecting the supply chains, ease of assembly and production of vehicles.
Council, therefore, appreciates the concerns put by Mike Hawes, Chief Executive of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, who has reportedly said:
“We waited patiently to hear how the Government square the circle of leaving the single market and the customs union while maintaining our competitiveness. We have asked for clarity and certainty”.
Our region benefits from the contribution of other leading manufacturers. Council also appreciates the concerns set out by the EEF (formerly the Engineering Employers’ Federation) regarding access to the single market and inward investment, believing that these issues are highly relevant to the Wirral economy.
Council, therefore, hopes that the Government will do all it can to maintain the ease with which British businesses trade with their European counterparts and sell to European consumers. Council is of the belief that the single market is essential if we are to continue to trade freely and easily as a nation and that relationship remains important to the national, regional and local economy.
Council also seeks an early resolution on EU citizens’ rights in this country and is of the view that this is necessary for many sectors of the regional economy, from the exchange of ideas and research in our universities through to those working for our society in the NHS and caring sectors. Council welcomes their continuing contribution to all those sectors.
Council is alarmed at reports that the number of European Union nurses coming to work in the UK has continued to fall since last summer, with many fewer joining the Nursing and Midwifery Council register. Council asks officers to obtain an up-to-date assessment of how this may be reflected in the local NHS.
Council, therefore, believes it is important to work closely with Wirral’s MPs to minimise the uncertainty and damage to our economy and services from Brexit, urges that they do their utmost to retain the advantages of the single market and work to secure ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
MOTION - GRENFELL TOWER DISASTER Minutes: Having previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item, Councillors Steve Foulkes and Stuart Whittingham vacated the Council Chamber and did not take part in the voting thereon (minute 18 refers).
Proposed by Councillor George Davies Seconded by Councillor Phil Davies
“Council sends its condolences and support to all those impacted by the tragic events in west London on 14 June, 2017. We also add our thanks to all those in the emergency services who acted so bravely and responded so quickly to limit the loss of life and injury.
For many in local government, housing associations, resident and community groups, it has raised questions about the safety of similar high rise accommodation and buildings and how we can prevent any repeat of these incidents.
Council welcomes the creation of Wirral’s Tower Block Co-ordination Group. This group under the chair of Cllr George Davies, Cabinet Member for Housing & Community Safety, brings together representatives from various organisations including the Fire Authority, Housing Associations and appropriate Council departments, to provide answers to the numerous questions residents and others will raise regarding safety and other issues.
Wirral Council joins the call from local authorities across the country for central government to be clear in declaring it will work in a positive and constructive manner with Councils, local housing associations and building owners to adequately support the immediate safety reviews and inspections required. Furthermore, it will provide emergency support for any local residents who are potentially displaced or inconvenienced as a consequence of these investigations and will ensure Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service are adequately resourced to have the equipment and personnel to respond to incidents involving high rise buildings.
Council believes this matter is above party politics and calls on all members from across the political divides to unanimously support this motion.”
Having applied the guillotine in accordance with minute 36 ante, the Council did not debate this matter.
Resolved (55:0) (One abstention) – That the motion be approved. |
ANY OTHER URGENT BUSINESS PDF 42 KB To consider any other items of business that the Civic Mayor accepts as being urgent.
Minutes: The Civic Mayor had agreed to accept this item as a matter of urgent business in view of the very recent announcement concerning this school.
Proposed by Councillor Bernie Mooney Seconded by Councillor Phil Davies
“In light of the news concerning the closure of Kingsway Academy, Council agrees to write to the Secretary of State for Education to register our concern at the way the closure has been handled by the Northern Schools Trust. Council calls on the government to take responsibility for the PFI payments once the school has closed. These repayments amount to £810,418 per annum. Given that the responsibility for the closure lies squarely with the Northern Schools Trust, it is unfair and unreasonable to expect Wirral Council to meet this cost going forward.”
Having applied the guillotine in accordance with minute 36 ante, the Council did not debate this matter.
Resolved (57:0) (One abstention) – That the motion be approved. |