Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Wallasey Town Hall. View directions
Note: The meeting will commence at 8.30pm, or on the rising of the ordinary meeting, whichever is the later.
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.
Minutes: Members of the Council were invited to consider whether they had any disclosable pecuniary and/or any other relevant interest in connection with any matters to be determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.
CIVIC MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive the Civic Mayor's announcements and any apologies for absence.
Minutes: The Civic Mayor noted that apologies had been received from Councillors Ron Abbey, Eddie Boult, Jeff Green, John Hale, Moira McLaughlin, Tony Norbury and Joe Walsh. |
CLARITY ON THE COUNCIL'S GREEN BELT POLICY PDF 68 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Having previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item, Councillors Paul Doughty, Brian Kenny, Chris Meaden, Lesley Rennie and Jean Stapleton vacated the Council Chamber and did not take part in the voting thereon (minute 43 refers).
Proposed by Councillor Chris Blakeley Seconded by Councillor Bruce Berry
“Council welcomes and supports the Leader of the Council’s resolute commitment to protect Wirral Green Belt when he stated, "I am not prepared to allow our green belt land to be built on. I am resolute about that commitment. It is the jewel in Wirral's crown and greatly valued by our residents." (Wirral Globe 16th February, 2017)
Council also recognises the valuable part green belt provides in halting urban sprawl and protecting our much loved green spaces.
Therefore Council confirms its commitment to protect Wirral’s precious green belt land, and in particular the green belt land in Council ownership.”
Following a debate and Councillor Chris Blakeley having replied, the motion was put and lost (18:35) (One abstention) (Councillors T Anderson, B Berry, C Blakeley, D Burgess-Joyce, Mrs W Clements, D Elderton, G Ellis, P Hayes, A Hodson, K Hodson, I Lewis, T Pilgrim, C Povall, L Rowlands, A Sykes, GCJ Watt and S Williams voting in favour). |