Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Wallasey Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Shirley Hudspeth 0151 691 8559 Committee and Civic Services Manager
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Prior to the meeting formally commencing and at the invitation of the Civic Mayor, Rev David Chester led the Council in prayer. |
Procedural Motion Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Ron Abbey and seconded by Councillor Phil Davies that –
“That Standing Order 9(1) be suspended and the guillotine come into effect at 8.30pm.”
Councillor Chris Blakeley moved and it was seconded by Councillor Phil Gilchrist that –
“That Standing Order 9(1) be suspended and the meeting conclude after all debates.”
Prior to the vote on the motion moved by Councillor Ron Abbey, a number of Members rose to request a ‘card vote’. A recorded vote was then taken on the motion and the Council divided as follows:
For the motion (35) – Councillors R Abbey, J Bird, P Brightmore, K Cannon, T Cottier, A Davies, G Davies, P Davies, W Davies, P Doughty, S Foulkes, S Frost, E Grey, P Hackett, AER Jones, C Jones, S Jones, T Jones, B Kenny, J McManus, C Meaden, B Mooney, C Muspratt, T Norbury, PA Smith, C Spriggs, J Stapleton, P Stuart, T Usher, J Walsh, S Whittingham, I Williams, KJ Williams, J Williamson and G Wood.
Against the motion (27) – Councillors T Anderson, B Berry, C Blakeley, A Brame, D Burgess-Joyce, C Carubia, P Cleary, W Clements, T Cox, D Elderton, G Ellis, A Gardner, P Gilchrist, J Green, P Hayes, A Hodson, K Hodson, M Jordan, S Kelly, I Lewis, D Mitchell, C Povall, L Rennie, L Rowlands, M Sullivan, A Sykes and S Williams.
One abstention – Councillor G Watt (Civic Mayor)
Resolved (35:27) (One abstention) – That Standing Order 9(1) be suspended and the guillotine come into effect at 8.30pm. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Members of the Council were invited to consider whether they had any disclosable pecuniary and/or any other relevant interest in connection with any matters to be determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of the interest.
CIVIC MAYOR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive the Civic Mayor's announcements and any apologies for absence.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Civic Mayor noted that apologies had been received from Councillors Moira McLaughlin and Anita Leech.
The Civic Mayor commented on the 85 engagements which he and the Mayoress had undertaken since July and referred to a number of highlights including the launch of the RRS David Attenborough and the Mayor’s charity ball.
The Civic Mayor then asked the Director of Governance and Assurance to inform the Council about the voting arrangements.
Philip McCourt advised the Council that the current Standing Order 18 referred to the ‘…normal method of voting at meetings of the Council shall be by show of hands…’ and that the Council therefore needed to determine if they now wished to use the electronic voting system.
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was –
Resolved (unanimously) – That the electronic voting system be used for all votes at this meeting. |
To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 9 July (ordinary meeting) and on 10 September, 2018 (extraordinary meeting). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 9 July (ordinary meeting) and on 10 September, 2018 (extraordinary meeting) had been circulated to Members. On a motion by the Civic Mayor, seconded by Councillor Phil Davies, it was –
Resolved (61:0) – That the minutes of each meeting be approved and adopted as a correct record. |
Additional documents: Minutes: A. In accordance with Standing Order 21, the Mayor received a petition submitted by Councillor Brian Kenny of some 3,853 residents against the proposed closures of minor injury / illness services by Wirral NHS CCG.
The Civic Mayor was advised that a consultation on the proposal was due to finish soon and with his permission, Dr A Mantgani was allowed to address the Council and speak in favour of the petition and against the proposed closures.
B. The following petition was referred to the Council in accordance with Standing Order 34 (1), having exceeded the threshold of 3000 signatures to trigger a Council debate, in accordance with the Petition Scheme.
A petition of some 15,033 signatures, submitted by Ms Sarah Ashworth and Ms Amanda Lancaster, opposing the proposal for a dog control public space protection order.
Ms Ashworth addressed the Council on behalf of the petitioners.
During the course of the debate it was moved by Councillor Phil Davies and seconded by Councillor George Davies, that –
“(1) The thanks of the Council be accorded to Ms Ashworth and the petition organisers.
(2) Council notes the petition and takes account of the proposals and recommendations of Ms Ashworth.
(3) The report to come before Cabinet next month will take account of the views expressed by the petitioners and the consultation responses.”
Councillor Phil Gilchrist moved an amendment which was seconded by Councillor Dave Mitchell, that –
“(1) Council recognises that the practical problems of introducing the scheme as proposed overcome the issues that need to be addressed. (2) Council believes that all offers from local groups willing to work on the reduction of dog fouling should be taken up as an alternative.”
Councillor Chris Blakeley moved an amendment which was seconded by Councillor Paul Hayes, that –
“(1) Council recognises the massive opposition to the introduction of a Public Space protection Order (PSPO) as a method to control dogs and their owners across the Borough.
(2) Council recognises the work carried out by ‘Wirral Good Dogs’ and ‘Peaceful Protests – Wirral Dog Bans’ pointing out that the vast majority of dog owners act in a responsible and respectful manner.
(3) Council also recognises and applauds the previous Cabinet Member, former Councillor Matthew Patrick, for his actions in withdrawing the ban from our beaches.
(4) And, while accepting that part of the proposals, particularly with regards to cemeteries and children’s play areas are sensible, it is clear a blanket PSPO is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
(5) Therefore, Council resolves to withdraw its proposals for a blanket PSPO in Wirral, and instead, focus its efforts in targeting irresponsible dog owners through an educational programme, while continuing to issue fixed penalty notices when appropriate.”
Prior to the vote on the amendment moved by Councillor Chris Blakeley, a number of Members rose to request a ‘card’ vote.
Following a number of interventions from Members and advice from the Director of Governance and Assurance on how a ‘card’ vote would be taken ... view the full minutes text for item 44. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS To deal with questions from members of the public, in accordance with Appendix 1 to Standing Orders – up to 30 minutes.
Additional documents: Minutes: No public questions had been received. |
LEADER'S, EXECUTIVE MEMBERS' AND CHAIRS REPORTS PDF 60 KB To receive the written reports of the Executive and Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs, and to receive questions and answers on any of those reports in accordance with Standing Orders 10(2)(a) and 11.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor introduced the summary reports from the Leader, Cabinet Members and Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs and asked for questions on any of the reports.
Councillor Chris Blakeley asked a question of Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, whether he was aware of officers from Highways Services having written to community groups to inform them that from Christmas 2019 they would be charged for electricity used in lighting displays and would he withdraw this miserly instruction recognising the great works these community groups do in encouraging people to visit and shop in these towns. Councillor Whittingham agreed that he would supply an answer in writing.
Councillor Dave Mitchell asked a question of Councillor Stuart Whittingham, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, on when pothole repairs would be undertaken on the A41 at the junction of Eastham Rake and Stanley Lane, having written 6 times to Highways Services about the matter. Councillor Whittingham agreed that he would supply an answer in writing.
Councillor Mike Sullivan asked a question of Councillor Phil Davies, Leader of the Council, referring to the Wirral Green Spaces Alliance Group on whether it would be possible for all political groups to work together to save the green belt. Councillor Davies stated that he was very sympathetic to this proposed approach as the green belt was something which united the Council. He made the offer to work with other Parties on this issue and asked if they would join with him in trying to persuade the Government to use the lower Office of National Statistics figure for the number of new homes required each year in Wirral. He also asked if the other two party leaders would join with him to put as much influence on owners of brown field sites to build on these sites as soon as possible as he believed that brownfield sites were the only way forward. He had written to the Secretary of State twice asking the Government to allow Wirral to use the lower figure of 477 houses required per year.
Councillor Ian Lewis asked a question of Councillor Janette Williamson, Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, if she could advise him in writing on how much uncollected and unrecoverable poll tax (community charge) had been written off by the Council since 1991 and did she believe that the policy of non-payment pursued and encouraged by a previous Leader of this Council was reckless. Councillor Williamson agreed to supply a written response.
Councillor Allan Brame asked a question of Councillor Phil Davies, Leader of the Council, regarding the total cost to the Council of staging Liverpool’s Dream, the ‘Giants’. Councillor Davies responded by thanking all the officers who had worked on this event, an evaluation of the economic impact was currently being undertaken by the Liverpool City Region which he would be able to share with Members when it was available. An estimated 80,000 people had attended the event at New Brighton on Friday, 5 October with an ... view the full minutes text for item 46. |
MEMBERS' QUESTIONS To consider Members’ general questions to the Civic Mayor, Executive or Committee Chair in accordance with Standing Orders 10 (2)(b) and 11.
Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 10(2) the Council had been advised of four questions.
With the permission of the Civic Mayor, Councillor Chris Blakeley requested that the Council agree to the suspension of Standing Order 10(2) (b) in order that he might ask a question of the Council’s designated spokesperson on Merseytravel Committee of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, Councillor Ron Abbey, of which he had given notice to Councillor Abbey.
The Council agreed to this request and Councillor Blakeley asked a question of Councillor Abbey on what processes Merseytravel had in place and what long term plans for bus services in Moreton, following the cessation of services by Avon Buses on 5 October, 2018. Councillor Abbey replied accordingly.
Councillor Pat Cleary asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Jobs and Growth in relation to the proposed golf resort scheme in Hoylake. Councillor Angela Davies responded accordingly.
Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Environment in relation to the treatment of weeds on the A41 in Eastham. In the absence of Councillor Anita Leech, Councillor Phil Davies responded accordingly.
Councillor Phil Gilchrist asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport in relation to scouting for street lights which were off. Councillor Stuart Whittingham responded accordingly.
Councillor Stuart Kelly asked a question of the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport in relation to the lack of consultation with Walk and Cycle Merseyside Group on Wirral’s Road Safety Plan. Councillor Stuart Whittingham responded accordingly. |
To consider a report of the Director of Governance and Assurance on the appointment of Committee places.
To receive nominations, in accordance with Standing Order 25(6), in respect of any proposed changes in the membership of committees, and to approve nominations for appointments to outside organisations, including.
· Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Labour nominee to replace Councillor Mike Sullivan and nomination of ‘link’ member. · Mersey Port Health Committee – Labour nominee to replace Councillor Mike Sullivan · Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust – Labour nominee to replace Councillor Mike Sullivan Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered a report of the Director of Governance and Assurance on the revision to committee places in light of the resignation of a member of the Labour Group to become an Independent Member.
The Council was asked to receive nominations in accordance with Standing Order 25(6) for any proposed changes to membership of Committees and outside organisations and to agree the appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs where appropriate.
On motions by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was –
Resolved –
(1) (39:18) (Three abstentions) – That Councillor Pat Hackett be appointed Chair of the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
(2) (59:0) (Two abstentions) – That Councillor Steve Foulkes be appointed Chair of the Planning Committee.
(3) (58:2) (One abstention) – That Councillor Jean Stapleton be appointed Vice-Chair of the Business Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
(4) (58:0) (One abstention) – That Councillor Brian Kenny be appointed Vice-Chair of the Planning Committee.
(5) (62:0) (One abstention) - That the revised constitution and membership of committees for the remainder of the 2018/19 municipal year (including deputies), having regard to the political proportionality requirements of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 and relevant case law, be agreed, with the Committee places allocation as set out below:
(6) (62:0) (One abstention) - That Council agrees that names of appointees to Committees and outside bodies be given to the Director of Governance and Assurance. |
MATTERS REQUIRING APPROVAL OR CONSIDERATION BY THE COUNCIL To consider any recommendations of the Executive or Council Committees which require the approval or consideration of the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: In accordance with Standing Order 5(2) one matter had been submitted for approval or consideration by the Council (see minute 50 post). |
QUARTER 1 BUDGET MONITORING REPORT - CAPITAL PDF 96 KB Cabinet, 16 July 2018, (Minute 11 refers)
The report and appendices can be viewed on the Council website here.
The Council is requested to approve the revised Capital Programme of £86.4m. Additional documents: Minutes: The matter requiring approval was in relation to the revised Capital Programme of £86.4 million as recommended by Cabinet at its meeting on 16 July, 2018 (minute 11 refers).
On a motion by Councillor Phil Davies, seconded by Councillor George Davies, it was –
Resolved (61:0) (One abstention) – That the recommendation contained within minute 11 of Cabinet, be approved. |
Notices of motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(1), are attached. They are listed in accordance with Standing Order 7(2), and the full text of each motion is attached. The Mayor, having considered each motion, in accordance with Standing Order 7(4) has decided that each will be debated:
1. CCG Public Consultation on Urgent Care
2. Standards in Public Life
3. Keeping the Builder’s Hands off Our Farmland
4. Sustainable Transport for Wirral Waters
5. New ONS Housing Projections
6. UTS Foundation, Hoylake
7. New Ferry Explosion
8. Housing Growth
Additional documents: Minutes: Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7(1) were reported to Council. The Civic Mayor having considered each motion, in accordance with Standing Order 7(4) had decided that they would each be debated and they were determined as detailed in Minutes 52 to 59 below. |
MOTION - CCG PUBLIC CONSULTATION IN URGENT CARE Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Pat Hackett moved and Councillor Steve Foulkes seconded the following Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7 –
(1) This Council notes the public consultation on urgent care which Wirral CCG launched on 20th September.
(2) Council is totally opposed to any outcome which would see the closure of existing walk-in facilities and minor injury and illness facilities at current urgent care locations in Wirral.
(3) Council believes that any new model of urgent care should enhance existing facilities rather than result in closures or reductions in services.
(4) Council supports the objectives of enhancing patient safety, improving patient outcomes, making services more accessible and relieving pressure on Accident and Emergency Departments, but not with the introduction of any private healthcare provider or any of their shell companies to provide any type of service within Wirral, including walk-in provision.
(5) Council encourages residents to have their say on the model proposed by the CCG and welcomes the CCG’s offer to attend relevant Council scrutiny committees during the consultation period to allow detailed scrutiny of their proposals by members.
(6) Any funding bids need to be scrutinised within the scrutiny process. Council also notes that on page 75 of the case for change document that a capital funding bid has commenced for an Urgent Treatment Centre. Council rejects this approach as it undermines the consultation process and believes it would have been better to have waited until the consultation is finished and the results known.
(7) This Council is opposed to all forms of privatisation in the NHS and totally opposes the introduction of any privateers into our local health service be they based in the UK, America or domiciled elsewhere.
(8) This Council is opposed to NHS staff being transferred to the private sector and will work to ensure that all NHS workers are employed by the NHS with their wages and conditions negotiated through collective bargaining with their employer, the NHS, and the trade unions. No contract should be signed with the CCG that leads to private, none-NHS organisations running NHS services or leads to a reduction in services at each current location.
(9) Council believes that all health care should be free at the point of need and all services should be delivered and administered by the NHS.
Following the moving of the motion, the Civic Mayor informed the meeting that the guillotine had now come into effect.
It was then moved by Councillor Phil Gilchrist and seconded by Councillor Phil Davies, “That the guillotine be suspended, to allow debate on this motion”.
The motion was put and carried (61:1) (One abstention).
Councillor Phil Gilchrist moved and Councillor Dave Mitchell seconded the following amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(9) such that the motion be approved subject to –
Insert at end of point (2) - after " ... locations in Wirral.”
“Council recognises that the existing provision was developed to meet the specific needs in local communities and fill recognised and identified gaps in services. ... view the full minutes text for item 52. |
Procedural Motion Additional documents: Minutes: Prior to moving to the next item, Councillor Chris Blakeley moved and it was seconded by Ian Lewis that, “The guillotine remain suspended.”.
The motion was put and lost (26:34) (One abstention). |
MOTION - STANDARDS IN PUBLIC LIFE Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor David Burgess-Joyce moved and Councillor Ian Lewis seconded the following Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7 –
(1) Council believes there should be no place in public life for bullying, harassment and intimidation and regrets that any elected representative is subject to such behaviour.
(2) Council notes that, since the local elections in May, three members have resigned from the Labour Group and the Member of Parliament for Birkenhead, Rt. Hon. Frank Field MP, has resigned from the Parliamentary Labour Party.
(3) Council awaits the outcome of the request for intervention in the local Party by the Leader of the Council to the General Secretary of the Labour Party and resolves to assist in any inquiry should it be invited to do so.
In standing to formally second this motion, Councillor Ian Lewis, with the permission of the Civic Mayor asked a question of the Director of Governance and Assurance regarding a former Councillor, Louise Reecejones, who he understood was seeking to return to the Council, and actions she had not yet completed following a unanimous decision of the Standards and Constitutional Oversight Committee.
The Director of Governance and Assurance informed the Council that a requisition upon the former Councillor to undertake certain actions, should she return to the Council, did stand and it would be for the Council to seek to enforce them.
Having applied the guillotine the Council did not debate this matter.
The motion was put and lost (26:35) (One abstention). |
MOTION - KEEPING THE BUILDERS' HANDS OFF OUR FARMLAND Additional documents: Minutes: Having previously declared personal and prejudicial interests in this item, Councillors Steve Foulkes and Jeff Green vacated the Council Chamber and did not take part in the voting thereon (minute 40 refers).
Councillor Phil Gilchrist moved and Councillor Stuart Kelly seconded the following Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7 –
(1) This Council requests that renewed importance should be attached to the protection afforded to agricultural land as the responses to the Local Plan are considered. Land that is currently in productive agricultural use should not be removed from the Green Belt in view of the need to safeguard future food supplies.
(2) Council believes that the wide fluctuations in our weather, from the extreme cold of March 2018 through the recent hot dry Summer, necessitate greater attention to national food security and supply. Council considers that these conditions and the recent developments in agricultural policy highlight the need to retain good agricultural land rather than bury it under extensive areas of new housing.
(3) Officers are requested to consider the terms of the Agriculture Bill, published on 'Back British Farming Day' on 12 September 2018. This sets out how farmers and land managers will, in future, be paid for “public goods”, such as better air and water quality, improved soil health, higher animal welfare standards, public access to the countryside and measures to reduce flooding. It proposes that farmers will be supported over a seven year transition period in a system that is intended to replace the Common Agricultural Policy.
(4) In addition to this, the Government’s policy statement ‘Health and Harmony: the future for food, farming and the environment in a Green Brexit’ was updated on 14 September 2018. When taken together, these proposals will affect farming across our nation and impact on the future use of agricultural land in Wirral. The uncertain future facing agriculture needs to be addressed.
(5) Council recalls that Policy CS2 - Broad Spatial Strategy (page 19), paragraph 9 states that...
“The focus within rural areas will be on strengthening and diversifying the agricultural economy; re-using existing buildings and previously developed land; providing rural services within established settlements; supporting the beneficial use of best and most versatile agricultural land; providing for local food production and food security; and outdoor sport and recreation; subject to national Green Belt controls and Policy CS3.”
(6) Council also recognises that Chapter 15 in the July 2018 version of the NPPF 'Conserving and enhancing the natural environment' states that …
"170. Planning policies and decisions should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: a) protecting and enhancing valued landscapes, sites of biodiversity or geological value and soils (in a manner commensurate with their statutory status or identified quality in the development plan);
b) recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, and the wider benefits from natural capital and ecosystem services – including the economic and other benefits of the best and most versatile agricultural land, and of trees and woodland."
MOTION - SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT FOR WIRRAL WATERS Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Pat Cleary moved and Councillor Allan Brame seconded the following Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7 –
(1) Council notes that existing Government policy, following on from the Paris Summit held in December 2017, includes steps to tackle climate change and emissions. This has been followed by the Zero Emission Vehicle Summit held in Birmingham in September 2018 and the signing of a declaration which set out the aim of...
'Building a smart infrastructure network, planning for the cities of the future today, embedding zero emission infrastructure into the fabric of our urban and rural communities, and enabling provision where consumers need it.’
(2) Council believes that this ought to enable and encourage the development of new settlements where these principles are embedded and designed in from the outset.
(3) Council also notes the proposals by Peel Holdings to incorporate a Streetcar light rail system as an integral part of creating a modern, sustainable transport scheme to support the wider aims of the Wirral Waters development and its belief that ...
“the Wirral Streetcar is a unique opportunity to provide a low cost, scaleable, sustainable, light rail service that could provide a ‘feeder’ service into the Mersey Rail network.”...
the existing support for the Streetcar concept from central Government and numerous other agencies.
(4) Council believes the Streetcar proposals offer many potential benefits including: · creating a sustainable, low carbon transport infrastructure for Wirral Waters; · minimising car dependency and associated land use thereby freeing up more land for residential development and easing pressure on our precious green belt; · linking existing rail and ferry transport hubs, thereby creating an integrated public transport system that will support residential, commercial and tourism objectives.
(5) Council therefore believes that progress on the Streetcar scheme is important if Wirral Waters is to achieve its full potential for the people of Wirral and that effective cooperation between all relevant parties including Peel Holdings, Wirral Council and Merseytravel is essential to its future success.
(6) To that end, Council requests that the Leader of the Council writes to Merseytravel and Peel Holdings requesting a meeting to: · review progress on the Streetcar scheme · determine how best Wirral Council can practically support the delivery of the Streetcar scheme and reports back to Council on the outcome of this meeting.
Councillor Stuart Whittingham moved and Councillor Phill Brightmore seconded the following amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(9) such that the Motion be approved subject to the deletion of all after paragraph (2) and the replacement with –
(3) Council believes that transport plays a vital role in the delivery of Wirral Waters and Council is keen that a well-designed transport strategy for the area supports economic growth and regeneration, as well as playing a key part in improving the health of our Borough and reducing the negative impacts on our environment of carbon emissions.
(4) Council notes that Wirral Waters presents numerous challenges in terms of transport infrastructure, in some parts of the site having: ... view the full minutes text for item 56. |
MOTION - NEW ONS HOUSING PROJECTIONS Additional documents: Minutes: Having previously declared personal and prejudicial interests in this item, Councillors Steve Foulkes and Jeff Green vacated the Council Chamber and did not take part in the voting thereon (minute 40 refers).
Councillor George Davies moved and Councillor Phil Davies seconded the following Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7 –
(1) Council notes the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published new data indicating that Wirral will require 7,155 new homes by 2035, and that this is a significant reduction from the original figure of 12,000 new homes derived from the Government’s national formula.
(2) Council recognises that this revised figure vindicates the view of the administration, councillors and many concerned residents that the original figure was too high and was leading to a miscalculation of housing needs which threatened Wirral’s Green Belt.
(3) Council further notes that the Leader of the Council had previously written to the minister arguing that the calculation was incorrect, and advocating that Wirral should not have to slavishly follow the Government’s national housebuilding formula and Council is currently awaiting confirmation from the Secretary of State that this new target more accurately reflects the housing needs of Wirral.
(4) In light of the new ONS figures, Council agrees that work on the Local Plan should proceed with the aim of delivering new homes on brownfield sites and avoiding development on Green Belt land.
Councillor Phil Gilchrist moved and Councillor Stuart Kelly seconded the following amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(9) such that the Motion be approved subject to –
In point (4), delete the words 'and avoiding development on Green Belt land' and insert
“...paying full regard to the content of Chapter 13 of the July 2018 National Planning Policy Framework entitled "Protecting Green Belt Land" which includes paragraph 143 which reiterates that 'inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances’.”
Add new point (5)...
“(5) Council, therefore, requests that work on the identification and study and potential release of the Green Belt sites identified by Cabinet in July 2018 in Appendix 6 of Item 17 should be suspended. Council places on record its thanks to all those who have responded to the consultation and fully recognises the anxiety and stress caused to those who were pressed to submit objections.”
Councillor Cherry Povall moved and Councillor Mary Jordan seconded the following amendment submitted in accordance with Standing Order 12(9) such that the Motion be approved subject to –
“(5) Welcomes the unanimous resolution of the three parties represented on the Wirral South Constituency Committee (Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat) held on 4 October:
(1) That in light of the new figures obtained in regards to housing requirements in Wirral, the period of consultation be extended by a period of at least three weeks; and
(2) revised figures be published on the council’s website and appropriate social media outlet
And requests Cabinet implement these recommendations.”
Having applied the guillotine, ... view the full minutes text for item 57. |
MOTION - UTS FOUNDATION, HOYLAKE Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Andrew Gardner moved and Councillor Tony Cox seconded the following Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7 –
(1) Council acknowledges the efforts of the UTS Foundation in Hoylake in its work in helping improve the lives of Wirral residents.
(2) Council recognises that giving free personal fitness training programs to cancer patients and survivors, along with the same to disadvantaged young people, is an asset to the Borough.
(3) Council therefore resolves to support and prosper the aims, ambitions and aspirations of the UTS Foundation wherever practicable within the legal framework and existing Council resources.
Having applied the guillotine, the Council did not debate this matter.
The motion was put and carried (61:0) (One abstention).
Resolved (61:0) (One abstention) – That the motion be approved. |
MOTION - NEW FERRY EXPLOSION Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Jo Bird moved and Councillor Joe Walsh seconded the following Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7 –
Given that it has taken some time to establish the scale of damage to people, business and property arising from the gas explosion in New Ferry in March 2017:
(1) This Council resolves that the Chief Executive makes representations to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government to reconsider the judgement that the Bellwin disaster scheme does not apply.
(2) Council requests that £500,000 from the Liverpool City Region Metro Mayor’s Town Centre Fund, should in principle be allocated to New Ferry, subject to an application being completed.
(3) Council urges central government to allocate resources to New Ferry commensurate with those allocated to Salisbury.
Having applied the guillotine the Council did not debate this matter.
The motion was put and carried (61:0) (One abstention).
Resolved (61:0) (One abstention) – That the motion be approved. |
MOTION - HOUSING GROWTH Additional documents: Minutes: Having previously declared personal and prejudicial interests in this item, Councillors Steve Foulkes and Jeff Green vacated the Council Chamber and did not take part in the voting thereon (minute 40 refers).
Councillor Gerry Ellis moved and Councillor Chris Blakeley seconded the following Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 7 –
(1) Council notes that, in September 2017, the then Department of Communities and Local Government invited local authorities and others to give their views on proposals to reform the planning system.
(2) On the introduction of a national formula to assess housing need, the consultation stated:
The assessment is indicative, as actual figures will depend on the most recent data available at the time the need is calculated.
(3) Council regrets that Wirral did not take part in that consultation.
(4) Council further notes the proposed formula from the Department produced an indicative 803 dwelling units per annum in Wirral (2016-2026), a reduction on the projected need of up to 1,235 dwelling units in the earlier report commissioned by the Cabinet from Nathan Lichfield and Partners.
(5) Council welcomes the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics which have revealed that population growth is slowing and that Wirral, in common with other authorities, will require fewer new dwellings which should avoid the need for mass destruction of the Borough’s Green Belt.
(6) In the light of the latest projections for housing growth, Council calls on the Leader to withdraw support for the Hoylake Golf Resort, which will see large scale building on the Green Belt.
Having applied the guillotine the Council did not debate this matter.
The motion was put and lost (25:34) (One abstention). |