Agenda and minutes

Venue: Floral Pavilion, New Brighton

Contact: Andrew Mossop 0151 691 8501  Principal Democratic Services Officer


No. Item



Members of the Council are asked to consider whether they have any disclosable pecuniary interests and/or any other relevant interest, in connection with any matter to be debated or determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.


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The Civic Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and those watching the webcast. He then asked Members to consider whether they had any disclosable pecuniary and/or any other relevant interest in connection with any matters to be determined at this meeting and, if so, to declare it and state the nature of such interest.


No such declarations were made.



To receive the Civic Mayor's announcements and any apologies for absence.


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The Civic Mayor announced that apologies had been received from Councillors Wendy Clements, Tony Cox, Emily Gleaves, Karl Greaney, Jenny Johnson and Orod Osanlou. Further apologies were then received from Sam Frost, Chris Spriggs Mike Collins and Cherry Povall.



The Council is requested to consider a proposal to admit, posthumously, Andrew Devine, as an Honorary Freeman of the Borough.

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The Council considered a report from the Director of Law and Governance in respect to a proposal to admit posthumously, Andrew Devine, as an Honorary Freeman of the Borough.


Councillor Janette Williamson addressed the Council and moved the following motion:


(1)  That in pursuance of the provisions of Section 249 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 and in recognition of the tragic loss of life and earlier recognition for the 96 Liverpool fans who died, that Andrew Devine also be posthumously admitted as Honorary Freeman of this Borough having similarly lost his life as a direct result of the same tragedy 32 years later; and


(2)  Officers be requested to take all the necessary actions associated with (1) above and arrange for a small civic reception for family representatives of Andrew Devine and some invited guests on a mutually agreeable date following the extraordinary meeting of Council.


Following speeches from Councillors Tony Cottier, Phil Gilchrist and the seconder to the motion, Councillor Tom Anderson, it was –


Resolved (unanimously) –


(1)  That in pursuance of the provisions of Section 249 (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 and in recognition of the tragic loss of life and earlier recognition for the 96 Liverpool fans who died, that Andrew Devine also be posthumously admitted as Honorary Freeman of this Borough having similarly lost his life as a direct result of the same tragedy 32 years later; and


(2)  Officers be requested to take all the necessary actions associated with (1) above and arrange for a small civic reception for family representatives of Andrew Devine and some invited guests on a mutually agreeable date following the extraordinary meeting of Council.


The Civic Mayor then presented the Freedom Scroll to Andrew’s father, Stanley, and sisters, Wendy and Julie.



The Council is requested to consider this motion.

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Councillor Paul Martin moved and Councillor Tony Cottier seconded a motion submitted in connection with the Hillsborough tragedy.


Following speeches from the mover and seconder of the motion and two other Members, the motion was put and it was -  


Resolved (unanimously) -


Wirral Borough Council commends survivors and the families of the ninety-seven fans who lost their lives as a result of the Hillsborough disaster for their three-decade campaign for justice.


Council also notes that Kevin Sampson’s recent drama for ITV, Anne - considered a masterpiece by many - has highlighted once again the fact that, despite the ninety- seven having been unlawfully killed, to date no individuals or organisations have been held accountable for their deaths.


Council further notes that the impact of the campaign of lies, smears and propaganda orchestrated by South Yorkshire Police in 1989 and promoted by willing politicians and media continues to this day, with far too many members of the public even now parroting discredited lies about the behaviour of Liverpool fans in attendance at Hillsborough on 15 April 1989.


It is not surprising to council that many families of the ninety-seven and Hillsborough survivors have expressed despair at this continuation of lies about Hillsborough.


Wirral Borough Council therefore undertakes to support the ‘Real Truth Legacy Project’ led by Ian Byrne MP in conjunction with many Hillsborough families and survivors. This is a campaign which seeks to ensure that current and future generations learn the truth about Hillsborough, and to ensure that schoolchildren in Liverpool City Region initially have access to a definitive account of the disaster and the subsequent cover-up.


Council hereby notes its support for a key element of the Real Truth Legacy Project which is to have education about Hillsborough added to the National Curriculum, including a dedicated “Hillsborough Day” in the Liverpool City Region, to take place on the nearest Friday to the anniversary of the tragedy on 15th April each year. 


The Hillsborough Day would see every Liverpool City Region primary and secondary school taking part in a special assembly to mark the anniversary and to learn more about the disaster, the cover-up and the fight for justice through dedicated teaching resource packs made available to every school in the city region by local education leads. 


For the sake of past generations, this is something Wirral Borough Council feels it must get behind and calls on all Councils in the City Region and beyond to add their support to the Real Truth Legacy Project. 


Council also places on record its support for the 'Hillsborough Law Now' campaign launched by Steve Rotherham and Andy Burnham which was supported by past Prime Ministers Theresa May and Gordon Brown when it was launched in January this year and asks that the Group Leaders write to the Home Secretary in support of the campaign.